Search results for pillow

Environment Oct 31, 2020

Philippines evacuates nearly 1 million as Typhoon Goni nears

Nearly a million people in the Philippines were evacuated from their homes Saturday as the most powerful typhoon of the year so far barrelled towards the country, with authorities warning of "destructive" winds and flooding.

Bio & Medicine Oct 1, 2020

Our health: New focus on the synergy effect of nanoparticles

Nanoparticles are used in a wide range of products and manufacturing processes because the properties of a material can change dramatically when the material comes in nano-form.

Archaeology Oct 1, 2020

Danish King enshrined in his own clothes, but appeared with his brothers' when examined

The cathedral in Odense, Denmark, has for nine centuries held the relics of the Danish King St. Canute the Holy and his brother Benedikt. They were both murdered here in AD 1086, and just a few years later, in AD 1100, King ...

Materials Science Sep 25, 2020

Scientists offer companies a novel chemistry for greener polyurethane

Without it, the world might be a little less soft and a little less warm. Our recreational clothing might shed less water. The insoles in our sneakers might not provide the same therapeutic arch support. The wood grain in ...

Earth Sciences Jul 7, 2020

Using sound to study underwater volcanoes

Imagine placing a rock on a piece of suspended cardboard. If the cardboard is strong and hearty, like the cover of a hardback book, the rock can sit there for a long time and the board will barely flex due to the weight of ...

Molecular & Computational biology Apr 20, 2020

Actin 'avalanches' may make memories stick

If you're on skis, you want to avoid avalanches. But when the right kind happen in your brain, you shouldn't worry. You won't feel them. They're probably to your benefit.

Space Exploration Mar 6, 2020

Lunar lasers and cosmic crops: NASA funds UArizona space exploration missions

Many things change for astronauts when they leave Earth and head into space, but at least one remains the same: They need food and water. NASA recently awarded funding to two University of Arizona teams to search for water ...

Environment Feb 21, 2020

Opening the window in your home will not flush out the chemicals in the air

A large team of researchers from across the U.S. and one in Canada has found that simply opening windows will not flush chemicals from the air in most homes. In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, the group ...

Biochemistry Feb 14, 2020

Polymers to the rescue! Saving cells from damaging ice

Cell therapies hold great promise for revolutionizing the treatment of cancers and autoimmune diseases. But this multibillion-dollar industry requires long-term storage of cells at super-cold cryogenic conditions, while ensuring ...

Materials Science Oct 30, 2019

Research into how to create self-cleaning surfaces via 3-D printing

It is becoming more and more obvious that 3-D printing is more than just an interesting toy to be used at tech fairs. Based on the 4.0 industry principles, several startups and small businesses are currently incorporating ...

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