Search results for phonons

Condensed Matter Mar 29, 2024

'Shear sound waves' provide the magic for linking ultrasound and magnetic waves

A team led by researchers from the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science in Japan has succeeded in creating a strong coupling between two forms of waves—magnons and phonons—in a thin film. Importantly, they achieved ...

Condensed Matter Mar 27, 2024

New topological metamaterial amplifies sound waves exponentially

Researchers at AMOLF, in collaboration with partners from Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, have realized a new type of metamaterial through which sound waves flow in an unprecedented fashion. It provides a novel form of ...

Nanophysics Mar 26, 2024

New method to measure entropy production on the nanoscale

Entropy, the amount of molecular disorder, is produced in several systems but cannot be measured directly. An equation developed by researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, and Heinrich Heine University ...

Analytical Chemistry Mar 25, 2024

Filming ultrafast molecular motions in single crystal

Understanding the behavior of matter is crucial for advancing scientific fields like biology, chemistry, and materials science. X-ray crystallography has been instrumental in this pursuit, allowing scientists to determine ...

Optics & Photonics Mar 23, 2024

Research team proposes a novel type of acoustic crystal with smooth, continuous changes in elastic properties

In dim light a cat sees much better than you do, as do dogs and nocturnal animals. That's because the structure of a cat's eye has a tapetum lucidum, a mirror-like layer immediately behind the retina. Light entering the eye ...

Optics & Photonics Mar 22, 2024

Breakthrough in light manipulation: Unveiling novel finite barrier bound states

Exploring wave propagation and localization in various media has been a core focus in optics and acoustics. Specifically, in photonics and phononics, scientists have been dedicated to understanding and controlling the behavior ...

Nanophysics Mar 15, 2024

Boosted exciton mobility approaching the Mott-Ioffe-Regel limit in a 2D Ruddlesden-Popper perovskite

A study, published in Nature Communications and led by Prof. Liu Xinfeng from the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), recently reported an enhancement in exciton ...

Condensed Matter Mar 13, 2024

New research on tungsten unlocks potential for improving fusion materials

In the pursuit of clean and endless energy, nuclear fusion is a promising frontier. But in fusion reactors, where scientists attempt to make energy by fusing atoms together, mimicking the sun's power generation process, things ...

Nanophysics Mar 6, 2024

New nano-microscope enables simultaneous measurement of nano-composite material properties

The Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) has developed a hybrid nano-microscope capable of simultaneously measuring various nano-material properties. This nano-microscope is essential for researching ...

Condensed Matter Mar 1, 2024

Evidence of phonon chirality from impurity scattering in the antiferromagnetic insulator strontium iridium oxide

The thermal hall effect (THE) is a physical phenomenon characterized by tiny transverse temperature differences occurring in a material when a thermal current passes through it and a perpendicular magnetic field is applied ...

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