Search results for allosaurus

Archaeology May 22, 2014

Dino skeleton to go on display at Creation Museum

A new exhibit of a 30-foot (9-meter)-long fossil skeleton of an Allosaurus, which resembles a Tyrannosaurus rex, is set to open at a Kentucky museum that asserts dinosaurs lived alongside humans a few thousand years ago.

Archaeology May 21, 2013

Allosaurus fed more like a falcon than a crocodile, new study finds

The mighty T. rex may have thrashed its massive head from side to side to dismember prey, but a new study shows that its smaller cousin Allosaurus was a more dexterous hunter and tugged at prey more like a modern-day falcon.

Archaeology Feb 28, 2012

Study says T. rex has most powerful bite of any terrestrial animal

Research at the University of Liverpool, using computer models to reconstruct the jaw muscle of Tyrannosaurus rex, has suggested that the dinosaur had the most powerful bite of any living or extinct terrestrial animal.

Archaeology Dec 20, 2010

Australia’s biggest carnivorous dinosaur forced to take a walk

( -- Doubt has been cast over the only known piece of evidence that large carnivorous dinosaurs once roamed Australia, following new research by The University of Queensland (UQ).

Archaeology Sep 30, 2010

Dinosaurs significantly taller than previously thought, researchers find

It might seem obvious that a dinosaur's leg bone connects to the hip bone, but what came between the bones has been less obvious. Now, researchers at the University of Missouri and Ohio University have found that dinosaurs ...

Archaeology Mar 30, 2010

First-ever single-claw dinosaur fossil found in China

Dr. Xing Xu, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, and his collaborators, described a new dinosaur that was one of the smallest known and also one of the best adapted ...

Archaeology Oct 21, 2009

Scientists find fossil bones of smallest dinosaur

( -- A new dinosaur species, Fruitadens haagarorum, is the smallest dinosaur ever discovered from North America. The tiny Fruitadens weighed less than a kilogram (two pounds) and was just 70 cm (28 inches) in ...

Paleontology & Fossils Sep 25, 2009

Origin of birds confirmed by exceptional new dinosaur fossils

( -- Chinese scientists today reveal the discovery of five remarkable new feathered dinosaur fossils which are significantly older than any previously reported. The new finds are indisputably older than Archaeopteryx, ...

Archaeology Jun 9, 2009

Discovery raises new doubts about dinosaur-bird links

Researchers at Oregon State University have made a fundamental new discovery about how birds breathe and have a lung capacity that allows for flight - and the finding means it's unlikely that birds descended from any known ...

Archaeology Aug 6, 2008

Duck-billed dinosaurs outgrew predators to survive

With long limbs and a soft body, the duck-billed hadrosaur had few defenses against predators such as tyrannosaurs. But new research on the bones of this plant-eating dinosaur suggests that it had at least one advantage: ...

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