Search results for allosaurus

Archaeology Jan 14, 2008

T. rex had teen pregnancies

Dinosaurs descended from reptiles and evolved into today's birds, but their growth and sexual maturation were more like that of mammals - complete with teen pregnancy, according to a new study by University of California, ...

Archaeology Oct 19, 2007

Paleontologist reports discovery of carnivorous dinosaur tracks in Australia

The first fossil tracks belonging to large, carnivorous dinosaurs have been discovered in Victoria, Australia, by paleontologists from Emory University, Monash University and the Museum of Victoria (both in Melbourne). The ...

Aug 22, 2007

Six-tonne T. rex quicker than Becks, say scientists

T. rex may have struggled to chase down speeding vehicles as the movie Jurassic Park would have us believe but the world’s most fearsome carnivore was certainly no slouch, research out today suggests.

Archaeology Jun 7, 2007

Agonized pose tells of dinosaur death throes

The peculiar pose of many fossilized dinosaurs, with wide-open mouth, head thrown back and recurved tail, likely resulted from the agonized death throes typical of brain damage and asphyxiation, according to two paleontologists.

Oct 17, 2005

Researcher Identifies Tracks Of Swimming Dinosaur In Wyoming

The tracks of a previously unknown, two-legged swimming dinosaur have been identified along the shoreline of an ancient inland sea that covered Wyoming 165 million years ago, according to a University of Colorado at Boulder ...

May 16, 2005

Stegosaur plates and spikes for looks only, researchers say

The bizarre plates and spikes that lined the backbones of the long-extinct stegosaurs were probably extreme examples of the often elaborate and colorful displays developed by animals to recognize fellow members of their ...

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