Search results for chemical vapor deposition

Nanomaterials Feb 26, 2016

Tiny filters, big news: Novel process uses graphene and boron nitride monolayers to separate hydrogen ion isotopes

(—Conventional membranes used for sieving atomic and molecular species cannot scale to the subatomic level, making them unable to separate hydrogen isotope ions (protons, deuterons and tritons). At the same time, ...

Nanomaterials Feb 29, 2024

Researchers discover way to bind nanotubes to metals

Carbon nanotubes have shown promise for everything from microelectronics to aviation to energy storage. Researchers think this material might one day fulfill the science fiction dream of creating an elevator to space.

Energy & Green Tech Jun 1, 2018

Prototype nuclear battery packs 10 times more power

Russian researchers from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), the Technological Institute for Superhard and Novel Carbon Materials (TISNCM), and the National University of Science and Technology MISIS have ...

Nanomaterials Oct 18, 2016

Graphene cracks the glass corrosion problem

Researchers at the Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials (CMCM), within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) have demonstrated graphene coating protects glass from corrosion. Their research, published in ACS Nano, ...

Nanomaterials Jun 1, 2015

Graphene layer could quadruple rate of condensation heat transfer in generating plants

Most of the world's electricity-producing power plants—whether powered by coal, natural gas, or nuclear fission—make electricity by generating steam that turns a turbine. That steam then is condensed back to water, and ...

Nanomaterials Apr 19, 2012

First atomic-scale real-time movies of platinum nanocrystal growth in liquids

They won't be coming soon to a multiplex near you, but movies showing the growth of platinum nanocrystals at the atomic-scale in real-time have blockbuster potential. A team of scientists with the Lawrence Berkeley National ...

Nanomaterials Apr 10, 2008

Sweet nanotech batteries: Nanotechnology could solve lithium battery charging problems

Nanotechnology could improve the life of the lithium batteries used in portable devices, including laptop computers, mp3 players, and mobile phones. Research to be published in the Inderscience publication - International ...

Nov 15, 2005

Stengthening the glow of nanotube luminescence

Nanotubes are the poster children of the nanotechnology revolution. These tiny carbon tubes – less than 1/50,000 the diameter of a human hair – possess novel properties that have researchers excitedly exploring dozens ...

Jul 28, 2004

Nanotechnology Breakthrough: Gallium Nitride Nanowires Grow Direction is Under Control

A significant breakthrough in the development of the highly prized semiconductor gallium nitride as a building block for nanotechnology has been achieved by a team of scientists with the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence ...

Materials Science Aug 28, 2019

Engineers develop bone-like metal foam that can be 'healed' at room temperature

For 6,000 years, humans have been making things from metal because it's strong and tough; a lot of energy is required to damage it. The flip side of this property is that a lot of energy is required to repair that damage. ...

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