Search results for visa applications

Social Sciences Mar 10, 2020

How refugees succeed in visa reviews: New research reveals the factors that matter

Asylum seekers with legal representation are seven times more likely to succeed before the government tribunal tasked with reviewing refugee cases than those who represent themselves.

Optics & Photonics Feb 18, 2020

SR-FACT microscopy reveals the landscape of the cellular organelle interactome

The emergence of superresolution (SR) fluorescence microscopy has rejuvenated the search for new cellular sub-structures and dynamic intermediates. However, limited by the broad emission spectrum of fluorophores and excessive ...

Other Jan 27, 2020

UK unveils new visa scheme for scientists after Brexit

Britain on Sunday announced a new fast-track visa scheme for top scientists, researchers and mathematicians as it prepares a new immigration system for life outside the European Union.

Political science Oct 28, 2019

Researchers: Abolish marriage consummation as requirement for citizenship

Two political scientists at the University of Alberta argue consummation of marriage as a requirement for Canadian citizenship should be abolished.

Education Sep 23, 2019

US universities see decline in students from China

After a decade of booming enrollment by students from China, American universities are starting to see steep declines as political tensions between the two countries cut into a major source of tuition revenue.

Other Sep 11, 2019

Scholars: Indonesian research permit process risks scaring away foreign scientists

Scholars are urging the government to dampen the potential negative effects of Indonesia's recently issued science and technology law. They suggest renewing government regulations on foreign research permits and streamlining ...

Security Jul 9, 2019

Activists worry about potential abuse of face scans for ICE

Civil rights activists complained Monday of the potential for widespread abuse following confirmation that at least three states have scanned millions of driver's license photos on behalf of Immigration and Customs Enforcement ...

Other Jul 8, 2019

Put off by US, Chinese students eye other universities

Caught in the crossfire of the US-China trade war, Chinese students are looking for alternative study destinations—threatening to turn off an important source of revenue for American universities.

Internet Jun 27, 2019

The lowdown on Libra: what consumers need to know about Facebook's new cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies have become a global phenomenon in the past few years. Now Facebook is launching it's own cryptocurrency, in association with Visa, MasterCard, Uber and others. The stated aim of Libra is to "enable a simple ...

Internet Jun 18, 2019

Facebook plans its own currency for 2 billion-plus users

Facebook already rules daily communication for more than 2 billion people around the world. Now it wants its own currency, too.

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