Search results for visa applications

Other Jun 18, 2019

Science suffers collateral damage as US, China tensions rise

A rise in US visa denials for Chinese academics and intensified scrutiny of alleged links to Beijing over fears of potential espionage are having a chilling effect on long-standing research collaboration, researchers say.

Security May 15, 2019

San Francisco ban highlights facial recognition fears

A ban on facial recognition for law enforcement in San Francisco highlights growing public concerns about technology which is seeing stunning growth for an array of applications while provoking worries over privacy.

Economics & Business Mar 18, 2019

Step-up or break out: How firms in unstable countries can secure overseas business

Offshoring services providers (OSPs) operating in unstable countries can secure overseas projects and deliver on their promises if they understand the issues overseas clients may have when doing business with OSPs and work ...

Computer Sciences Mar 6, 2019

Fingerprint and face scanners aren't as secure as we think they are

Despite what every spy movie in the past 30 years would have you think, fingerprint and face scanners used to unlock your smartphone or other devices aren't nearly as secure as they're made out to be.

Telecom Mar 1, 2019

Data transfer by controlled noise

In information technology, multiplexing schemes are used to transmit more signals than the number of available transmission channels. Researchers at ETH in Zurich have invented a novel method whereby information is encoded ...

Business Feb 10, 2019

Modest praise for US reform of visa program for skilled workers

The Trump administration's new rules for a US visa program widely used for technology workers are getting cautious praise from Silicon Valley amid surging demand for high-skill employees.

Optics & Photonics Feb 4, 2019

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) – longer wavelengths can improve imaging depths

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a light-based imaging technique currently used in clinical diagnostics to examine organs in vivo. The technique uses interferometry; in which light reflected from an examined object combines ...

Internet Jan 8, 2019

Blockchains in real time

Blockchains promise widescale open Internet applications that are organised decentrally, but this comes at the price of slow performance for every transaction processed by the system. Cryptography researchers working with ...

Telecom Oct 30, 2018

Spy chief wanted ban on China telecoms from Australian 5G

Australia's critical infrastructure including electricity grids, water supplies and hospitals could not have been adequately safeguarded if Chinese-owned telecommunications giants Huawei and ZTE Corp. were allowed to help ...

Business Oct 23, 2018

Cryptocurrency bitcoin marks 10 years

October 31, 2008 marked the birth of bitcoin. Ten years on, the world's first cryptocurrency is at the forefront of a complex financial system viewed warily by markets and investors.

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