Search results for golgi complex

Biotechnology May 8, 2020

First simulation of a full-sized mitochondrial membrane

Scientists from the University of Groningen have developed a method that combines different resolution levels in a computer simulation of biological membranes. Their algorithm backmaps a large-scale model that includes features ...

Cell & Microbiology Oct 4, 2019

New NMR approach for studying droplet-shaped cell content

Researchers in Utrecht have found a new way to observe membraneless compartments at an unprecedented level of resolution. The existence of these so-called biomolecular condensates in the cell contradicts every textbook on ...

General Physics Apr 2, 2019

Turbulence theory closer high-energy physics than previously thought

Many scientists have been disappointed that no new elementary particles have been discovered at CERN's Large Hadron Collider since the Higgs Boson in 2012. The failure to detect particles that had previously been predicted ...

Cell & Microbiology Jan 23, 2019

Team uses synthetic biology to elucidate the complexities of cell function

Arizona State University's Giovanna Ghirlanda and Matthias Heyden, professors in the School of Molecular Sciences and Sara Vaiana, professor in the Department of Physics are viewing our cells through a new lens enabling them ...

Analytical Chemistry Jan 18, 2019

Experts push the boundaries of 3-D microscopy

Two newly developed methods will help researchers to study the 3-D structure of complex surfaces and of individual neurons better than ever before. Sebastian Munck and Natalia Gunko, two expert technologists at VIB-KU Leuven, ...

Plants & Animals Aug 8, 2018

What elephants' unique brain structures suggest about their mental abilities

Conservationists have designated August 12 as World Elephant Day to raise awareness about conserving these majestic animals. Elephants have many engaging features, from their incredibly dexterous trunks to their memory abilities ...

Cell & Microbiology Apr 17, 2018

Key tethering protein found to transport cellular cholesterol

Despite its less-than-stellar reputation in the news, cholesterol is an essential molecule for living things. It serves as the building block for hormones and gives shape to the membranes that enclose cells and their internal ...

Cell & Microbiology Apr 12, 2018

Scientists teach computers how to analyze brain cells

In the early days of neuroscience research, scientists painstakingly stained brain cells and drew by hand what they saw in a microscope. Fast forward to 2018 and machines may be able to learn how to do that work. According ...

Cell & Microbiology Mar 8, 2018

Discovery sheds light on ancient cell structure

New research by University of Alberta cellular biologists is putting into question existing theories about what's responsible for organizing a central part of our cells, known as the Golgi apparatus.

Biochemistry Feb 19, 2018

Cellular recycling caught in the act

A team of researchers at the Center for Self-assembly and Complexity, within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) have observed a normal physiological process, called "self-eating", that cells use to recycle their components. ...

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