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Quantum Physics Sep 3, 2021

Tapping into magnets to clamp down on noise in quantum information

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has recently funded both DOE's Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana (UIUC) in a new project related to quantum information science. The Argonne team ...

Bio & Medicine Aug 30, 2021

Flexible carbon nanotube fibers woven into clothing gather accurate EKG, heart rate

There's no need to don uncomfortable smartwatches or chest straps to monitor your heart if your comfy shirt can do a better job. 

Materials Science Aug 4, 2021

A dissolvable smartwatch makes for easier electronics recycling

Small electronics, including smartwatches and fitness trackers, aren't easily dismantled and recycled. So when a new model comes out, most users send the old devices into hazardous waste streams. To simplify small electronics ...

Economics & Business Jul 26, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed that global supply chains are a huge house of cards

COVID-19 has laid bare many uncomfortable truths regarding society's overall preparedness for low-probability but high-impact events, especially global ones. These range from issues pertaining exclusively to pandemic readiness ...

Optics & Photonics Jun 30, 2021

Researchers develop wearable sensor to monitor oxygen levels through skin

Researchers have combined a new oxygen-sensing film with machine learning to create a wearable sensor capable of measuring tissue oxygenation through skin. The device could be used to monitor a person's oxygen levels on a ...

Economics & Business Apr 29, 2021

Reliability of digital tags measuring clothing durability results in positive consumer attitudes

The Sustainability Consortium released Wednesday, April 28, the report "Project WearEver: Demonstrating the Feasibility of Using Digital Tags to Measure Clothing Use," in collaboration with Arizona State University, North ...

General Physics Apr 20, 2021

Stone skipping techniques can improve reentry of space vehicles

Skipping stones on a body of water is an age-old game, but developing a better understanding of the physics involved is crucial for more serious matters, such as water landings upon reentry of spaceflight vehicles or aircrafts.

Optics & Photonics Feb 11, 2021

Capturing free-space optical light for high-speed Wi-Fi

Visible and infrared light can carry more data than radio waves, but has always been confined to a hard-wired, fiber-optic cable. Working with Facebook's Connectivity Lab, a Duke research team has now made a major advance ...

Optics & Photonics Feb 4, 2021

New quantum receiver the first to detect entire radio frequency spectrum

A new quantum sensor can analyze the full spectrum of radio frequency and real-world signals, unleashing new potentials for soldier communications, spectrum awareness and electronic warfare.

Astronomy Dec 23, 2020

Why radio astronomers need things quiet in the middle of a Western Australia desert

A remote outback station about 800km north of Perth in Western Australia is one of the best places in the world to operate telescopes that listen for radio signals from space.

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