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Search results for Bluetooth

Archaeology Jul 31, 2022

Is Danish king who gave name to Bluetooth buried in Poland?

More than 1,000 years after his death in what is now Poland, a European king whose nickname lives on through wireless technology is at the center of an archaeological dispute.

Biotechnology Jul 26, 2022

Shedding light on more efficient ways to breed cassava

Crop breeders are always looking for ways to improve a crop. They know that even small differences in quality and quantity can mean big differences in profits for farmers. So, making the breeding process faster and cheaper ...

Space Exploration Jul 6, 2022

Testing the effect of multicolor lighting on improving people's psychological state

As missions for deep space exploration and space habitats are put on the agenda, astronauts need to withstand being tested by multiple stressors in confined and isolated conditions during such long flights, especially because ...

Quantum Physics May 5, 2022

Researchers investigate quantum network solutions, by ground and by air

While quantum computers represent a revolution in computation, they can't communicate with each other the way regular computers can—over the internet. If quantum computers could be connected through a quantum network, they ...

Optics & Photonics Feb 28, 2022

Metasurface-based antenna turns ambient radio waves into electric power

Researchers have developed a new metasurface-based antenna that represents an important step toward making it practical to harvest energy from radio waves, such as the ones used in cell phone networks or Bluetooth connections. ...

Biotechnology Feb 4, 2022

Focus on organic transistors for health sensors within living organisms

QUT researchers are part of an international group who have explored ways in which organic transistors are being developed for use as wearable health sensors.

Biotechnology Feb 3, 2022

Specially designed slicker captures horse's vital signs on a laptop via Bluetooth

With the exception of Mister Ed of television sitcom fame, horses can't talk with humans about health issues.

Nanomaterials Jan 3, 2022

Fitness sensor warns when you're at your limits

Ultrathin nanomaterials, known as MXenes, are poised to make it easier to monitor a person's well-being by analyzing their perspiration.

Social Sciences Nov 11, 2021

Technology-enabled abuse: How 'safety by design' can reduce stalking and domestic violence

Mobile phones and online technologies are frequently used by perpetrators of domestic and family violence to coerce, control and restrict the freedoms of victims and survivors.

Cell & Microbiology Oct 28, 2021

For less than $10, anyone can now get up close and explore single cells in VR

While often thought of as being limited to expensive hardware for dedicated gamers, virtual reality (VR) has become a lot more affordable in recent years with entry-level hardware—such as Google Cardboard—costing less ...

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