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Search results for Bluetooth

Bio & Medicine Dec 7, 2020

Paper-based electrochemical sensor can detect COVID-19 in less than five minutes

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread across the world, testing remains a key strategy for tracking and containing the virus. Bioengineering graduate student, Maha Alafeef, has co-developed a rapid, ultrasensitive ...

Veterinary medicine Nov 5, 2020

Smart collar to track your pet in real-time

CSIRO's Data61, the digital specialist arm of Australia's national science agency, announced today it is developing a prototype smart pet collar in collaboration with agtech company Ceres Tag, that will enable pet owners ...

Nanomaterials Oct 16, 2020

New device powers wearable sensors through human motion

The advent of inexpensive wearable sensors that can monitor heart rate and body temperature, as well as levels of blood sugar and metabolic byproducts, has allowed researchers and health professionals to monitor human health ...

Nanomaterials Sep 22, 2020

A multisensory graphene-based skin can sense in extreme environments where other sensors cannot be used

Harsh environments that are inhospitable to existing technologies could now be monitored using sensors based on graphene. An intriguing form of carbon, graphene comprises layers of interconnected hexagonal rings of carbon ...

Education Sep 3, 2020

The music app that helps school children play in socially distanced orchestras

A team of musicians, composers, technologists and performers at the University of Sussex have developed an app called Syncphonia, which helps students to play music in socially distanced ensembles.

Molecular & Computational biology Aug 17, 2020

Bio-based communication networks could control cells in the body to treat conditions

Like electronic devices, biological cells send and receive messages, but they communicate through very different mechanisms. Now, scientists report progress on tiny communication networks that overcome this language barrier, ...

Energy & Green Tech Jul 22, 2020

Next generation of wearable devices will stay charged longer and track movements better

What if your belt did more than hold up your pants? What if it also listened to your FitBit, smart glasses, and smart jewelry to better recognize what activities you were engaged in  while using far less power than anything ...

Other Jul 16, 2020

How NBA is using technology to help with health and safety protocols inside Orlando bubble

Once the alarm goes off and they remove the crud from their eyes, most people here will instinctively grab their phone.

Space Exploration Jun 22, 2020

The Navy is testing beaming solar power in space

Solar power has become a focal point of the battle to mitigate climate change. The potential of solar power is massive—Earth receives as much solar energy in an hour as all of humanity uses in a year. Even with that much ...

Cell & Microbiology May 6, 2020

Digital 'virus' helps researchers map potential spread

As governments around the world wrestle with questions about how and when to reopen their economies, they must rely on predictions or weeks-old data to make informed decisions.

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