Search results for optimal balance

Cell & Microbiology Apr 19, 2021

Selective mRNA degradation via autophagy: A novel role for autophagy in gene regulation

Optimal cell function requires a fine balance between the synthesis and degradation of biomolecules. Autophagy is the process by which cells degrade and recycle their own components, helping to clean up and maintain the cell's ...

Evolution Apr 14, 2021

Birds take tRNA efficiency to new heights

Birds have been shaped by evolution in many ways that have made them distinct from their vertebrate cousins. Over millions of years of evolution, our feathered friends have taken to the skies, accompanied by unique changes ...

Evolution Apr 13, 2021

Dueling evolutionary forces drive rapid evolution of salamander coloration

Two opposing evolutionary forces explain the presence of the two different colors of spotted salamander egg masses at ponds in Pennsylvania, according to a new study led by a Penn State biologist. Understanding the processes ...

Earth Sciences Apr 12, 2021

Differences of cloud top height between satellites and ground-based radar revealed

Clouds play a key role in balancing incoming and outgoing solar and thermal radiation. This is a critical process in the earth-atmosphere system. Monitoring cloud height, particle size, particle concentration, etc. are integral ...

Plants & Animals Apr 12, 2021

Study shows multiple factors shape timing of birth in mule deer

A five-year study of mule deer does and newborn fawns in western Wyoming shows that migrating deer have a lot to balance when it comes to birth timing.

Plants & Animals Mar 26, 2021

The promise of super algae Galdiera: From volcanic springs to your plate

A microalga originally isolated from volcanic springs has all it takes to become the next 'superfood' on the market. Compared to Spirulina—a similar organism that's been popular as a food and feed supplement for half a ...

Plants & Animals Mar 26, 2021

Scientific food systems help biodiversity, livelihoods

The extraordinary recovery of stocks of the prized estuarine hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) fish, following restrictions on fishing imposed by the Bangladesh government, offers a lesson in how a scientifically-managed 'food systems' ...

Plants & Animals Mar 24, 2021

How grasslands respond to climate change

"Based on field experiments with increased carbon dioxide concentration, artificial warming, and modified water supply, scientists understand quite well how future climate change will affect grassland vegetation. Such knowledge ...

Environment Mar 23, 2021

Protecting and managing forests with AI

Drought, heat, and pest infestation: Climate change is threatening forests in Germany and represents a big challenge in forest management. A joint project of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and EDI GmbH, a spinoff ...

Earth Sciences Mar 22, 2021

Explosive origins of 'secondary' ice—and snow

Where does snow come from? This may seem like a simple question to ponder as half the planet emerges from a season of watching whimsical flakes fall from the sky—and shoveling them from driveways. But a new study on how ...

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