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Search results for Plants

Environment Aug 2, 2024

Major energy companies conceal 47% of biodiversity damage, according to research

A study by the UPV/EHU's Research Group on Circular Economy, Business Performance and Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals reveals that energy companies conceal 47% of the damage wrought on biodiversity as a result ...

Space Exploration Aug 2, 2024

Experiment on photosynthesis is heading to the space station to explore effects of microgravity

An experiment aimed at learning more about how plants grow in space will be aboard a National Aeronautics and Space Administration launch in early August from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

Molecular & Computational biology Aug 2, 2024

Lanzhou lily virus disease reveals influence of virus on growth and nutritional quality

Lanzhou lily (Liliumdavidii var. unicolor) is a perennial herbaceous crop that serves as an economic plant with both medicinal and edible uses. However, it is highly susceptible to pathogenic infections during growth, such ...

Environment Aug 2, 2024

Combined effects of plastic pollution and seawater flooding amplify threats to coastal plant species

Two of the planet's more pressing environmental stressors have the potential to alter the growth and reproductive output of plants found right along the world's coastlines, a new study suggests.

Plants & Animals Aug 2, 2024

Wasps help farmers fight mealybug pest in Kenya

Papaya farmers in Kenya are turning to a novel solution to combat the devastating papaya mealybug pest—parasitic wasps.

Environment Aug 2, 2024

More microbes found that break down the carbon-fluorine bonds found in some unsaturated PFAS

A team of chemical and environmental engineers at the University of California Riverside, working with colleagues from the University of California Los Angeles, has found a class of microbes that consume PFAS in the environment ...

Ecology Aug 2, 2024

White ants: The Earth's backboneless backbone

The first thoughts that probably come to mind when you read the words "white ant" are images of house destruction, wood damage, pest control, and spending money! While white ants are in fact a major structural and agricultural ...

Plants & Animals Aug 2, 2024

The effects of whole genome duplication on the plant metabolome

Whole genome duplication (WGD) is a common mutation in plants with profound evolutionary potential. While it is well-known that an increase in genetic material can lead to larger cell sizes, the impact of gene dosage multiplication ...

Environment Aug 2, 2024

Scientists find a human 'fingerprint' in the upper troposphere's increasing ozone

Ozone can be an agent of good or harm, depending on where you find it in the atmosphere. Way up in the stratosphere, the colorless gas shields the Earth from the sun's harsh ultraviolet rays. But closer to the ground, ozone ...

Ecology Aug 2, 2024

Ancient Antarctic microorganisms are aggressive predators

In Antarctica there is a small lake, called Deep Lake, that is so salty it remains ice-free all year round despite temperatures as low as -20°C in winter. Archaea, a unique type of single-celled microorganism, thrive in ...

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