See also stories tagged with Catalysis

Search results for catalysis

Nanophysics Jul 11, 2022

How gas nanobubbles accelerate solid-liquid-gas reactions

Solid-liquid-gas reactions are common in various natural phenomenon and industrial applications, such as hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell reactions, heterogeneous catalysis and metal corrosion in ambient environments. However, the ...

Materials Science Jul 11, 2022

Focusing on the oxygen reduction reaction in the search for more efficient hydrogen cells

A tenacious postdoc researcher persuaded Professor Marc Koper to research the oxygen reduction reaction. In Koper's eyes, there was little of interest there. But they promptly discovered a whole new way to improve fuel cells ...

Analytical Chemistry Jul 8, 2022

Exploring how surfaces change in contact with reactive gas phases under different conditions

Researchers at the NOMAD Laboratory at the Fritz Haber Institute have been engaged in describing how surfaces change in contact with reactive gas phases under different temperature and pressure conditions. For this purpose, ...

Biochemistry Jul 7, 2022

Cell protection, immunomodulation and virus inhibition by an endogenous substance

The endogenous molecule itaconic acid has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects, as researchers from TWINCORE have recently shown. In cooperation with scientists from the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig ...

Analytical Chemistry Jul 7, 2022

Testing the possibility of using nickel-containing catalysts to produce multi-carbon products

A team of researchers from ETH Zurich, the National University of Singapore and the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia, has found that it is possible to use nickel-containing catalysts to produce multi-carbon products. ...

Analytical Chemistry Jun 30, 2022

Found: The 'holy grail of catalysis'—turning methane into methanol under ambient conditions using light

An international team of researchers, led by scientists at the University of Manchester, has developed a fast and economical method of converting methane, or natural gas, into liquid methanol at ambient temperature and pressure. ...

Nanophysics Jun 27, 2022

Single-atom tractor beams power chemical catalysis

By trapping light into tiny gaps only a few atoms wide, a team from the NanoPhotonics Center at the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge has magnified optical forces a thousand-fold, strong enough to force ...

Analytical Chemistry Jun 27, 2022

Reaction insights help make sustainable liquid fuels

Methanol, produced from carbon dioxide in the air, can be used to make carbon neutral fuels. But to do this, the mechanism by which methanol is turned into liquid hydrocarbons must be better understood so that the catalytic ...

Analytical Chemistry Jun 23, 2022

Researchers reveal oxygenate-based routes in syngas conversion over oxide-zeolite bifunctional catalysts

A research team led by Prof. Hou Guangjin and Prof. Bao Xinhe from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has revealed the oxygenate-based routes in syngas conversion over ...

Materials Science Jun 22, 2022

Process to customize molecules does double duty

Inspired by your liver and activated by light, a chemical process developed in labs at Rice University and in China shows promise for drug design and the development of unique materials.

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