Search results for error detection

General Physics Sep 5, 2019

Team shows atoms can receive common communications signals

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have demonstrated a new type of sensor that uses atoms to receive commonly used communications signals. This atom-based receiver has the potential to ...

Plants & Animals Aug 28, 2019

Farmers, researchers try to hold off deadly citrus greening long enough to find cure

In an orange grove outside Exeter, California, workers climb aluminum ladders to pick fruit with expert speed. California produces 80 percent of the nation's fresh oranges, tangerines and lemons, most of it in small Central ...

Analytical Chemistry Aug 27, 2019

Smartphone-based device for detecting norovirus, the 'cruise ship' microbe

Made infamous by outbreaks on cruise ships, norovirus can really ruin a vacation, causing severe vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain. But the highly infectious virus can also strike closer to home, with water- and foodborne ...

General Physics Aug 19, 2019

Holography and criticality in matchgate tensor networks

Tensor networks take a central role in quantum physics as they can provide an efficient approximation to specific classes of quantum states. The associated graphical language can also easily describe and pictorially reason ...

Plasma Physics Aug 6, 2019

Improving the magnetic bottle that controls fusion power on Earth

Scientists who use magnetic fields to bottle up and control on Earth the fusion reactions that power the sun and stars must correct any errors in the shape of the fields that contain the reactions. Such errors produce deviations ...

Biochemistry Jul 29, 2019

New software brings lower-resolution cryo-EM maps into focus

Cryo-electron microscopy is now the most popular method for determining protein structures, which helps researchers develop drugs for different kinds of ailments. Over the last several decades, it has replaced X-ray crystallography ...

Ecology Jul 18, 2019

Simulation explores how insects glean compass direction from skylight

A computational simulation suggests that insects may be capable of using the properties of light from the sky to determine their compass direction with an error of less than two degrees. Evripidis Gkanias of the University ...

Biochemistry Jun 14, 2019

A rapid, easy-to-use DNA amplification method at 37 Celcius

Scientists in Japan have developed a way of amplifying DNA on a scale suitable for use in the emerging fields of DNA-based computing and molecular robotics. By enabling highly sensitive nucleic acid detection, their method ...

Space Exploration Jun 12, 2019

Hera asteroid mission's brain to be radiation-hard and failure-proof

At the heart of ESA's Hera mission to the double Didymos asteroids will be an onboard computer intended to be failure-proof.

Analytical Chemistry Jun 11, 2019

iPhone plus nanoscale porous silicon equals cheap, simple home diagnostics

The simplest home medical tests might look like a deck of various silicon chips coated in special film, one that could detect drugs in the blood, another for proteins in the urine indicating infection, another for bacteria ...

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