Search results for quantum entanglement

General Physics Sep 11, 2008

MIT quantum discovery could lead to better detectors

( -- A bizarre but well-established aspect of quantum physics could open up a new era of electronic detectors and imaging systems that would be far more efficient than any now in existence, according to new insights ...

Optics & Photonics Dec 18, 2023

'Teleporting' images across a network securely using only light

Nature Communications published research by an international team from Wits and ICFO- The Institute of Photonic Sciences, which demonstrates the teleportation-like transport of "patterns" of light—this is the first approach ...

Optics & Photonics May 11, 2021

Researchers generate tunable twin particles of light

Identical twins might seem 'indistinguishable,' but in the quantum world the word takes on a new level of meaning. While identical twins share many traits, the universe treats two indistinguishable quantum particles as intrinsically ...

Optics & Photonics Mar 30, 2021

Topological protection of entangled two-photon light in photonic topological insulators

In a joint effort, researchers from the Humboldt-Universität (Berlin), the Max Born Institute (Berlin) and the University of Central Florida (U.S.) have revealed the necessary conditions for the robust transport of entangled ...

Quantum Physics Sep 27, 2019

Creating different kinds of light with manipulable quantum properties

In a paper published today in Nature's NPJ Quantum Information, Omar Magaña-Loaiza, assistant professor in the Louisiana State University (LSU) Department of Physics & Astronomy, and his team of researchers describe a noteworthy ...

Quantum Physics Jun 1, 2017

Physicists add amplifier to quantum communication toolbox

Quantum encryption using single photons is a promising technique for boosting the security of communication systems and data networks, but there are challenges in applying the method over large distances due to transmission ...

Quantum Physics Jul 23, 2015

Controlling interactions between distant qubits

A big part of the burgeoning science of quantum computation is reliably storing and processing information in the form of quantum bits, or qubits. One of the obstacles to this goal is the difficulty of preserving the fragile ...

Quantum Physics Aug 7, 2012

Chinese team builds first quantum router

( -- With all the talk of quantum computers, little notice has been made of work on what is known as a quantum Internet, which is where data is sent across a web of computers via devices that work at the quantum, ...

Optics & Photonics Jan 9, 2024

Quantum energy exchange: Exploring light fields and a quantum emitter

A new study in Physical Review Letters illuminates the intricacies of energy exchanges within bipartite quantum systems, offering profound insights into quantum coherence, pure dephasing effects, and the potential impact ...

Quantum Physics Dec 8, 2022

Using 'cat states' to realize fault-tolerant quantum computers

Error correction in quantum computers could be simplified by a new protocol proposed by an all-RIKEN team based on "cat states." It could cut the computing resources needed to fix errors to the same level as conventional ...

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