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Search results for ARM

Social Sciences Feb 16, 2023

COVID-19 restrictions unexpectedly reduced Islamic State violence—political science experts explain why

World leaders and policy experts at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic feared that the health crisis might make the world more dangerous. They worried specifically that terrorist organizations like the Islamic State group ...

Biotechnology Feb 16, 2023

Arming vegetables with anti-inflammatory properties using plant pigments

Betalains are a class of plant pigments that are responsible for the characteristic red-violet (betacyanin) or yellow (betaxanthin) color of certain fruits and vegetables. These naturally occurring, water-soluble, and nitrogen-containing ...

Earth Sciences Feb 10, 2023

Can clouds of moon dust combat climate change?

A group of US scientists this week proposed an unorthodox scheme to combat global warming: creating large clouds of moon dust in space to reflect sunlight and cool the Earth.

Astronomy Feb 7, 2023

Face-on view of galaxy NGC 4303 reveals its arms are filled with active star formation

Galaxies fill a lot of roles in the universe. The most obvious one is star formation factories. Without that activity, the cosmos would be a very different place. The European Southern Observatory and the Atacama Large Millimeter ...

Space Exploration Feb 3, 2023

France pledges not to conduct anti-satellite missile tests but leaves other options open

Driven by concerns over space debris, in late November the French Ministry for the Armed Forces formally committed not to conduct anti-satellite missile tests. And yet, France's space strategy of 2019 resolved to "toughen" ...

Social Sciences Feb 2, 2023

Ukraine war: Casualty counts from either side can be potent weapons and shouldn't always be believed

The war in Ukraine is shaping up to be one of the bloodiest of the 21st century, with both sides reported to be losing hundreds of soldiers each day as the conflict moves towards its first anniversary. But quite how many ...

Social Sciences Jan 31, 2023

Ukraine war: Attitudes to women in the military are changing as thousands serve on front lines

Thousands of women have voluntarily joined Ukraine's armed forces since 2014, when Russia's occupation of Crimea and territories in eastern Ukraine began. Over the past nine years, the number of women serving in the Ukrainian ...

Planetary Sciences Jan 27, 2023

Perseverance takes a selfie to show off some of its samples

One of the main jobs for the Perseverance Mars rover past few weeks has been collecting carefully selected samples of Mars rock and soil. These samples have been placed and sealed in special sample tubes and left in well-identified ...

Planetary Sciences Jan 27, 2023

Video: The Sample Transfer Arm: A helping hand for Mars

The mission to return Martian samples back to Earth will use a European 2.5 meter-long robotic arm to pick up tubes filled with precious soil from Mars and transfer them to a rocket for an historic interplanetary delivery.

Economics & Business Jan 26, 2023

Study: Modern arms technologies help autocratic rulers stay in power

Autocrats and dictators quickly acquire new arms technologies from abroad and often use them against their own citizens. Now a study of multiple nations during the period 1820–2010 shows that the spread of military technologies ...

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