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Search results for ARM

Environment Jan 25, 2023

War leaves a toxic legacy that lasts long after the guns go quiet: Can we stop it?

The number of armed conflicts currently raging around the world is the greatest since the end of the Second World War. These wars can leave toxic environmental legacies and cause untold damage to human health.

Plants & Animals Jan 24, 2023

They're on the coat of arms but extinct in Tasmania: Rewilding with emus could be good for the island state's ecosystems

The emu is iconically Australian, appearing on cans, coins, cricket bats and our national coat of arms, as well as that of the Tasmanian capital, Hobart. However, most people don't realize emus once also roamed Tasmania but ...

Environment Jan 20, 2023

Brazil begins first operations to protect Amazon

Brazil this week began the first operations against Amazon deforestation since veteran leftist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva took office, the Ibama environmental agency said Friday.

Ecology Jan 13, 2023

Mining and armed conflict threaten eastern DRC's biodiversity in a complex web

The Democratic Republic of Congo's (DRC) conflict-affected eastern provinces are home to numerous protected areas. These areas host unique biodiversity and a range of threatened species, such as the okapi, forest elephant ...

Astronomy Jan 11, 2023

Old and new stars paint very different pictures of the Triangulum Galaxy

Astronomers have been gazing at the Triangulum galaxy for centuries. But they've never seen it quite like this.

Ecology Dec 30, 2022

Deep learning may help to prevent salmon escapes in rough seas

Artificial intelligence can be of great benefit underwater and SINTEF, in collaboration with the research center SFI Exposed, is developing systems that will help to boost fish farm safety and security under harsh sea conditions.

Social Sciences Dec 22, 2022

Police gun violence is glorified on screen, but more armed and aggressive policing doesn't actually make us safer

American popular culture dominates international markets. Among its most enduringly successful products are police dramas and movies. Many of these feature frequent and overwhelmingly positive depictions of police gun violence—a ...

Astronomy Dec 21, 2022

NASA's Perseverance rover deposits first sample on Mars surface

A titanium tube containing a rock sample is resting on the Red Planet's surface after being placed there on Dec. 21 by NASA's Perseverance Mars rover. Over the next two months, the rover will deposit a total of 10 tubes at ...

Ecology Dec 20, 2022

East DR Congo rebel crisis threatens endangered mountain gorillas

M23 rebel activity in volatile eastern DR Congo is threatening mountain gorillas in Virunga National Park and leaving the endangered species vulnerable to poachers, a spokesman said on Tuesday.

Space Exploration Dec 18, 2022

Space crew using robotic arm to inspect damaged capsule

The crew of the International Space Station on Sunday was inspecting an attached Russian space capsule that may have been damaged by a micrometeorite, while ground controllers considered whether to send up a replacement spaceship ...

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