See also stories tagged with Armenia

Search results for ARM

Social Sciences Mar 20, 2023

Opinion: The Iraq war's damage to public trust in experts has consequences right up to today

Twenty years after the invasion of Iraq, politicians continue to repeat the errors of the past by taking information from security briefings that they want to hear.

Astronomy Mar 20, 2023

New spectroscopic observations of dwarf nova U Geminorum unveil its properties

Using the Guillermo Haro Observatory (OAGH) in Mexico, astronomers have performed spectroscopic observations of a dwarf nova known as U Geminorum. Results of the observational campaign, published March 10 on the arXiv pre-print ...

Social Sciences Mar 14, 2023

Finding your feet on civvy street: Navigating a second career after military service

A nation's armed forces rely on personnel to defend that nation through their strength, determination, and ability to adapt to modern warfare whether their role is on land, sea, or in the air. In most countries, young recruits ...

Astronomy Mar 10, 2023

Hubble spots irregular spiral galaxy NGC 5486

The irregular spiral galaxy NGC 5486 hangs against a background of dim, distant galaxies in this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. The tenuous disk of the galaxy is threaded through with pink wisps of star formation, ...

Environment Mar 3, 2023

War in Ukraine threatens freshwater resources and water infrastructure

The ongoing war in Ukraine is having multiple impacts on the country's water sector, according to a recent study led by the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) and the Senckenberg Society for ...

Economics & Business Mar 1, 2023

Political instability and damage to infrastructure: How climate change could undermine Australia's national security

For many Australians, the impacts of climate change on well-being are distressingly clear.

Astronomy Feb 28, 2023

Spiral pattern gives clue to how high-mass stars form

New observations have revealed a spiral pattern in a disk of material around a still forming, but already high-mass, baby star. This indicates that there is gravitational instability in the disk, which has important implications ...

Political science Feb 22, 2023

Russia announces its suspension from last nuclear arms agreement with the US, escalating nuclear tension

After decades of progress on limiting the buildup of nuclear weapons, Russia's war on Ukraine has prompted renewed nuclear tensions between Russia and the United States.

Political science Feb 21, 2023

Viewpoint: Why Ukraine should not become a testing ground for the world's new weapons

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been imploring the US, UK and other allies for advanced fighter jets to assist in defending against Russia's unlawful invasion—a move that could come soon and potentially alter ...

Space Exploration Feb 17, 2023

NASA's Perseverance rover set to begin third year at Jezero Crater

After completing the first sample depot on another world, the rover continues its hunt for Mars rocks worthy of study on Earth.

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