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Mathematics Aug 10, 2023

What do a jellyfish, a cat, a snake, and an astronaut have in common? Math.

Across the animal kingdom there are creatures that move through their environments not by walking or running or climbing but instead by simply changing the shape of their bodies. This kind of locomotion is found in snakes ...

Archaeology Jul 30, 2023

Who lived at Machu Picchu? DNA analysis shows surprising diversity at the ancient Inca palace

Standing atop the mountains in the southern highlands of Peru is the 15th-century marvel of the Inca empire, Machu Picchu. Today, the citadel is a global tourist attraction and an icon of precolonial Latin American history—but ...

General Physics Jul 6, 2023

Physicists generate first snapshots of fermion pairs, shed light on how electrons form superconducting pairs

When your laptop or smartphone heats up, it's due to energy that's lost in translation. The same goes for power lines that transmit electricity between cities. In fact, around 10 percent of the generated energy is lost in ...

Condensed Matter Jun 20, 2023

Combining twistronics with spintronics could be the next giant leap in quantum electronics

Twistronics isn't a new dance move, exercise equipment, or new music fad. No, it's much cooler than any of that. It is an exciting new development in quantum physics and material science where van der Waals materials are ...

Environment Jun 19, 2023

Battle for Oak Flat: How Apache opposition to a copper mine became a religious liberty test

On a recent morning about an hour outside Phoenix, the pounding of tribal drums reverberated across the desert from a stand of oaks in the Tonto National Forest, where nearly 20 men had packed into a squat green sweat lodge ...

Social Sciences Jun 7, 2023

Research shows why our taste in music can't be siloed into catch-all genres

Liking certain things or styles is an important aspect of peoples' identities and social lives. Tastes can influence the ways humans act and judge. How to best describe musical taste reliably is—due to the ever-changing ...

Social Sciences Jun 6, 2023

Retirement reinvented: How to find fulfilment later in life

Retirement can feel like a strange time for many people. Gone is the routine of work, your time is your own—in theory. How to stop chores from taking over can become a tricky balance. Some people retreat and return to work. ...

Evolution May 31, 2023

The clams that fell behind, and what they can tell us about evolution and extinction

Every so often, life on Earth steps onto a nearly empty playing field and faces a spectacular opportunity. Something major changes—in the atmosphere or in the oceans, or in the organisms themselves —and the existing species ...

Education Apr 20, 2023

Research shows students with disabilities will benefit from COVID-19's fast-tracking of app-based learning

After COVID-19 moved classes online in 2020, a West Virginia University expert in adapted physical activity discovered that apps aren't created equal when it comes to accessibility.

Biochemistry Apr 13, 2023

Computer simulations deepen our understanding of how drugs get into the blood

There is a need for new drugs. For example, many of the antibiotics that we have been using for a long time are becoming less effective. Chemists and pharmaceutical scientists are frantically searching for new active substances, ...

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