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Cell & Microbiology 16 hours ago

Patented probiotic spray method improves hatchability, health of chicks

Mary Anne Amalaradjou, associate professor of animal science in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, has found that using a probiotic spray on eggs improves the number and quality of chicks that successfully ...

Ecology 16 hours ago

Bacteria found to produce proteins that act like antifreeze, helping marine worms survive in polar waters

A team of marine biologists affiliated with multiple institutions in Italy has found that some marine worms are able to survive in cold polar waters thanks to symbiotic bacteria that produce antifreeze-like proteins.

Quantum Physics 16 hours ago

Foregoing quantum chaos to achieve high-fidelity quantum state transfer

An international team of scientists from China and the U.S. has developed a scalable protocol for high-fidelity quantum state transfer (QST) in a 36-qubit superconducting quantum circuit.

Molecular & Computational biology 17 hours ago

Squeezing more flavor: Genetic study optimizes citric acid in tomatoes

Citric acid (CA) is a flavor-enhancing compound in tomatoes that also serves as a metabolic pathway mediator. Despite its importance, the genetic and environmental interplay affecting its levels has been a puzzle, difficult ...

Materials Science 17 hours ago

Nanoconfined materials developed for efficient fluoride removal from water

A research team led by Prof. Kong Lingtao from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed an innovative material for the efficient removal of fluoride ions from water. This newly-developed ...

Earth Sciences 17 hours ago

Sediments reveal the ancient ocean during a mass extinction event

About 183 million years ago, volcanic activity in modern South Africa unleashed an estimated 20,500 gigatons of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the ocean–atmosphere system over a period of 300 to 500 thousand years. Known as ...

Biochemistry 17 hours ago

Researchers develop polymer fibers that can facilitate controlled, local drug delivery

Medical products such as ointments or syringes reach their limits when it comes to delivering medication locally—and above all in a controlled manner over a longer period of time. Empa researchers are therefore developing ...

Earth Sciences 17 hours ago

Summer in the city: Climate science reveals the impacts of heat

The summer sun beats down. People without air conditioning must find refuge in schools and community centers. Outdoor workers struggle to keep cool. Hot nights interrupt people's sleep, not allowing them to get the rest needed ...

Earth Sciences 17 hours ago

Marine cloud brightening models show unexpected consequences of geoengineering

A combined team of Earth scientists and climate specialists at the University of California San Diego and the National Center for Atmospheric Research has found via modeling that geoengineering projects such as marine cloud ...

Nanophysics 17 hours ago

Researchers use gold membrane to coax secrets out of surfaces

Using a special wafer-thin gold membrane, ETH researchers have made it significantly easier to study surfaces. The membrane makes it possible to measure properties of surfaces that are inaccessible to conventional methods.

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