Search results for sarcomere

Cell & Microbiology Jul 19, 2012

Locating muscle proteins: Scientists bring the basis of muscle movement into sharper focus

Muscle contraction and many other movement processes are controlled by the interplay between myosin and actin filaments. Two further proteins, tropomyosin and troponin, regulate how myosin binds to actin. While theoretical ...

Cell & Microbiology May 3, 2012

Biophysics: Order in chaos

The process of skeletal muscle contraction is based around protein filaments sliding inside sarcomeres — the structural units of muscle fiber. Inside each sarcomere is a set of filament motors, which appear in different ...

Cell & Microbiology Jul 20, 2009

Muscular protein bond -- strongest yet found in nature

A research collaboration between Munich-based biophysicists and a structural biologist in Hamburg (Germany) is helping to explain why our muscles, and those of other animals, don't simply fall apart under stress. Their findings ...

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