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Search results for digital television

Social Sciences May 2, 2022

What is the future of Black Twitter under Elon Musk?

Black Twitter, a subset of the platform distinguished by its hashtag, has been supporting and driving causes in the U.S.—including the Black Lives Matter movement—for more than a decade. But the future of the online community ...

Social Sciences Apr 20, 2022

How much does mainstream media matter in an election campaign? (Spoiler: More than you might think)

Despite the seismic changes that have convulsed media communications and journalism since the turn of the millennium, the mainstream media remains a formidably relevant force, including at election time.

Social Sciences Mar 29, 2022

The Russian invasion shows how digital technologies have become involved in all aspects of war

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, we keep hearing that this war is like no other; because Ukrainians have cellphones and access to social media platforms, the traditional control of information and propaganda cannot work and ...

Social Sciences Feb 22, 2022

The evolution of Black representation on television

Since the late 1940s, watching TV has been a popular American pastime. Television entertains us, educates us and helps shape our views of the world.

Economics & Business Feb 4, 2022

Research demonstrates importance of consistent branding in political television ads

During the 2020 election cycle, presidential candidates spent nearly $3 billion on television, radio and digital ads—shattering records and demonstrating how important advertising is to campaign strategy. Given the amount ...

Earth Sciences Nov 15, 2021

Europe is finding its hidden treasures to build its green, digital and climate-neutral economy

Researchers are finding ways to ensure we have a sufficient supply of the raw materials needed to make everything from laptops to satellites. Researchers looked at the high-tech geomodels that could lead Europe into a more ...

Social Sciences Aug 24, 2021

Australian TV drama production halved in the past two decades

While more production companies are now making drama series in Australia, they are making substantially fewer than they were in 1999 and foreign conglomerates are taking a bigger share of the drama pie says new research led ...

Optics & Photonics Jul 1, 2021

New algorithms give digital images more realistic color

If you've ever tried to capture a sunset with your smartphone, you know that the colors don't always match what you see in real life. Researchers are coming closer to solving this problem with a new set of algorithms that ...

Social Sciences Jun 7, 2021

How vulnerable groups were left behind in pandemic response

Viruses like COVID-19 make no distinction between those they infect. They should in theory cause disease in the rich just as they do the poor and pay no heed to social status or cultural background. But in practice the pandemic ...

Social Sciences Jan 26, 2021

Holocaust Remembrance Day: COVID-19 changed how we remember

As the world prepares to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27th, communities and memorials around the world are addressing how to meaningfully commemorate the day while protecting public health ...

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