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Search results for digital television

Social Sciences Jan 18, 2021

How COVID-19 has changed what we watch and how we watch it

University of Virginia Darden School of Business professor Anthony Palomba is an expert in media management, an interdisciplinary academic discipline that examines how audiences consume media and entertainment products and ...

Environment Dec 2, 2020

Electronic waste on the decline, new study finds

A new study, led by a researcher at the Yale School of the Environment's Center for Industrial Ecology and published recently in the Journal of Industrial Ecology, has found that the total mass of electronic waste generated ...

Social Sciences Oct 22, 2020

Diversity improves among TV actors, but executives still overwhelmingly white and male

When it comes to gender and racial diversity in television industry jobs, the playing field continues to level for women and minorities, but there's stubborn structural gridlock at the highest ranks and behind the camera.

Education Oct 5, 2020

What South Africa's teachers brought to the virtual classroom during COVID-19

While celebrating this year's World Teachers Day, we should recognize how the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the key role that teachers already play in South Africa's schools.

Other Sep 22, 2020

Stockholm Nobel ceremony replaced with televised event: Foundation

The traditional Nobel Prize ceremony in Stockholm has been cancelled for the first time since 1944 in favour of a televised event due to the coronavirus pandemic, organisers announced Tuesday.

Economics & Business Sep 11, 2020

Netflix: A zebra among horses

Netflix is often criticized as a Hollywood-style entertainment behemoth crushing all competition and diminishing local content but a QUT academic says that's a simplistic view.

Economics & Business Sep 9, 2020

Virtual tourism could offer new opportunities for travel industry, travelers

A new proposal for virtual travel, using advanced mathematical techniques and combining livestream video with existing photos and videos of travel hotspots, could help revitalize an industry that has been devastated by the ...

Economics & Business Aug 18, 2020

Airing commercials after political ads actually helps sell nonpolitical products

About $7 billion reportedly will be spent this fall on television and digital commercials from political campaigns and political action committees, filling the airwaves with political ads many viewers dislike. Companies running ...

Education Aug 4, 2020

UN chief says 1 billion students affected by virus closures

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Tuesday the coronavirus pandemic has led to the largest disruption of education in history, with schools closed in more than 160 countries in mid-July, affecting over 1 billion ...

Social Sciences Jun 11, 2020

Four experts investigate how the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory began

In times of crisis, conspiracy theories can spread as fast as a virus.

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