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Economics & Business Jul 7, 2023

Q&A: What increases people's willingness to pay for online journalism?

Professor Neil Thurman and Dr. Bartosz Wilczek research at LMU's Institute of Communication Studies and Media Research. Their work focuses on changes in news production and consumption due to the internet and artificial intelligence.

Paleontology & Fossils Jun 13, 2023

How 'Jurassic Park' changed filmmaking and our view of dinosaurs

In June 1993, director Steven Spielberg released a film that unleashed a wave of technological change in film-making and simultaneously helped to revive popular interest in dinosaurs.

Social Sciences May 2, 2023

Opinion: 'Kidfluencer' culture is harming kids in several ways—and there's no meaningful regulation of it

Parents share content of their children for myriad reasons, including to connect with friends and family, and to seek validation or support.

Social Sciences Mar 24, 2023

How parents' smartphone use affects their kids

When it comes to raising children in the digital age, one of the worst things a parent can do is give their kid a smartphone and hope for the best. Turns out, same goes for the grownups.

Social Sciences Mar 15, 2023

'Pantry porn' on TikTok and Instagram makes obsessively organized kitchens a new status symbol

Neatly aligned glass spice jars tagged with printed white labels. Wicker baskets filled with packages of pasta, crackers and snacks. Rows of flavored seltzer water stacked in double-decker plastic bins.

Social Sciences Dec 13, 2022

Disney's plans for total dominance are well underway, PhD student argues

The cultural and economic behemoth that is the Walt Disney Company has steamrolled its way into the collective consciousness and shows no signs of slowing down. Their strategy involves a savvy and skilled combination of careful ...

Social Sciences Dec 2, 2022

Ethnic community media can play a key role in a crisis, but it needs our support

The recent "Who Gets to Tell Australian Stories?" report on diversity in Australian newsrooms revealed some grim, but unsurprising figures. The report found most television news and current affairs presenters on major Australian ...

Political science Nov 8, 2022

If Democrats prevail during the midterms, TV advertising might have something to do with it

The neck-and-neck race for control of the U.S. Senate is particularly unwelcome news for Democrats. Not long ago, it looked as if they could maintain or even expand their slim Senate majority. Now, control of the chamber ...

Social Sciences May 2, 2022

What is the future of Black Twitter under Elon Musk?

Black Twitter, a subset of the platform distinguished by its hashtag, has been supporting and driving causes in the U.S.—including the Black Lives Matter movement—for more than a decade. But the future of the online community ...

Social Sciences Apr 20, 2022

How much does mainstream media matter in an election campaign? (Spoiler: More than you might think)

Despite the seismic changes that have convulsed media communications and journalism since the turn of the millennium, the mainstream media remains a formidably relevant force, including at election time.

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