Search results for RAM

Social Sciences Jan 16, 2024

Embracing 'virtual dark tourism' could help heritage sites at risk of degradation, expert explains

Do you believe in ghosts? If so, there is a whole genre of digital storytelling to explore on YouTube. My recent research (which identified more than 60 dedicated channels) has shown that there is a fast-growing audience ...

Optics & Photonics Jan 15, 2024

Researchers present simplified, improved scheme for precision measurement using lasers

Within atomic and laser physics communities, scientist John "Jan" Hall has become a key figure in the history of laser frequency stabilization and precision measurement using lasers. Hall's work revolved around understanding ...

Nanomaterials Jan 10, 2024

Team develops light-powered catalyst to make hydrogen

A team from the UPC and the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) has designed an efficient and stable photocatalyst capable of producing hydrogen directly using sunlight. The results are published in ...

Evolution Jan 10, 2024

Psychoactive psilocybin's evolution in magic mushrooms

Psilocybe fungi, known colloquially as "magic mushrooms," have held deep significance in Indigenous cultures of Mesoamerica for centuries. They captured the wider world's attention as a psychedelic staple in the 60s and 70s. ...

Astronomy Jan 9, 2024

A Jupiter-sized planet has been hiding a big secret: A 350,000-mile-long tail

WASP-69b is having a hot girl summer that never ends. The huge gaseous exoplanet, roughly the size of Jupiter and approximately 160 light years from Earth, orbits its searing host star so closely that its atmosphere is boiling ...

Astronomy Dec 26, 2023

Astronomers detect new pulsar wind nebula and its associated pulsar

Astronomers from the Western Sydney University in Australia and elsewhere report the detection of a new pulsar wind nebula and a pulsar that powers it. The discovery, presented in a paper published Dec. 12 on the pre-print ...

Ecology Dec 15, 2023

Myrtle rust is devastating Australian forests: New high-tech spray holds out hope for native trees

Around a decade ago, an invasive fungal disease called myrtle rust reached Australia and began to spread like a plague through certain plants. The disease affects plants of the Myrtaceae family, which includes eucalypts, ...

Plants & Animals Dec 14, 2023

Resting gray reef sharks change what we know about how they breathe

Predators in perpetual motion. Sleepless in our seas. If that's your image of sharks, you're not alone. And for good reason: sharks must swim to breathe (or so we were told). The science of how sharks sleep and breathe is ...

Astronomy Dec 11, 2023

Webb stuns with new high-definition look at exploded star

Objects in space reveal different aspects of their composition and behavior at different wavelengths of light. Supernova remnant Cassiopeia A (Cas A) is one of the most well-studied objects in the Milky Way across the wavelength ...

Archaeology Dec 11, 2023

Biocrusts on Great Wall of China found to be protecting it from erosion

A small international team of soil and water ecosystem conservation specialists has found that biocrusts clinging to parts of the Great Wall of China have been serving to protect the famous structure from erosion. In their ...

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