See also stories tagged with Meteorite

Search results for meteorite

Planetary Sciences Apr 5, 2021

Team uses mass spectrometry to study composition of meteorites

Scientists from Russia and Germany studied the molecular composition of carbonaceous chondrites—the insoluble organic matter of the Murchison and Allende meteorites—in an attempt to identify their origin. Ultra-high resolution ...

Earth Sciences Mar 31, 2021

New study discovers ancient meteoritic impact over Antarctica 430,000 years ago

A research team of international space scientists, led by Dr. Matthias van Ginneken from the University of Kent's School of Physical Sciences, has found new evidence of a low-altitude meteoritic touchdown event reaching the ...

Earth Sciences Mar 16, 2021

Lightning strikes played a vital role in life's origins on Earth: study

Lightning strikes were just as important as meteorites in creating the perfect conditions for life to emerge on Earth, geologists say.

Space Exploration Mar 16, 2021

Scientists unearth meteorite from the birth of the solar system

Scientists believe they have identified a meteorite formed in the first million years of our solar system, making it the oldest known meteor of volcanic origin.

Planetary Sciences Mar 11, 2021

The world's oldest crater from a meteorite isn't an impact crater after all

Several years after scientists discovered what was considered the oldest crater a meteorite made on the planet, another team found it's actually the result of normal geological processes.

Space Exploration Mar 10, 2021

How scientists found rare fireball meteorite pieces on a driveway—and what they can teach us

As people in the UK were settling down to watch the late evening news on February 28, a fresh news story, quite literally, appeared in the night sky. A large and very bright fireball was seen over southern England and northern ...

Astrobiology Mar 10, 2021

How asteroid dust helped us prove life's raw ingredients can evolve in outer space

Scientists have long known that certain ingredients are needed to support life, especially water and key organic chemicals like carbon. In recent years, both ingredients have been found on giant asteroids and other celestial ...

Planetary Sciences Mar 9, 2021

Rare meteorite recovered in UK after spectacular fireball

In a major event for UK science, the meteorite that fell from the fireball that lit up the sky over the UK and Northern Europe on Sunday 28 February, has been found.

Space Exploration Mar 9, 2021

Early Mars climate was intermittently warm

A new study that characterizes the climate of Mars over the planet's lifetime reveals that in its earliest history it was periodically warmed due to the input of greenhouse gases derived from volcanism and meteorites, yet ...

Astronomy Mar 2, 2021

Extinct atom reveals the long-kept secrets of the solar system

Using the extinct niobium-92 atom, ETH researchers have been able to date events in the early solar system with greater precision than before. The study concludes that supernova explosions must have taken place in the birth ...

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