Search results for soft robotics

Engineering Feb 9, 2017

Most stretchable elastomer for 3-D printing

Due to its excellent material properties of elasticity, resilience, and electrical and thermal insulation, elastomers have been used in a myriad of applications. They are especially ideal for fabricating soft robots, flexible ...

Robotics Jul 22, 2016

New remote-controlled microrobots for medical operations

For the past few years, scientists around the world have been studying ways to use miniature robots to better treat a variety of diseases. The robots are designed to enter the human body, where they can deliver drugs at specificlocations ...

Plants & Animals Jul 18, 2022

Skin: An additional tool for the versatile elephant trunk

A new study from Georgia Institute of Technology suggests that an elephant's muscles aren't the only way it stretches its trunk—its folded skin also plays an important role. The combination of muscle and skin gives the ...

Plants & Animals Jun 1, 2022

Engineers uncover secret 'thinking' behind dandelions' seed dispersal

Knowing what causes dandelions to spread could help us understand how the plants respond to climate change, and could even help us design new "soft" robots.

Materials Science Aug 7, 2019

A hybrid material that switches reversibly between two stable solid states

Solid matter typically contains a single, stable solid state for a specific set of conditions. Materials scientists envision that new materials with interchangeable solid states will be advantageous for diverse technical ...

Robotics Jun 10, 2019

Training robots to relieve chronic pain

Researchers at Swinburne have developed a collaborative robot system to automatically treat back, neck and head pain caused by soft tissue injury.

Robotics Feb 16, 2017

Ground-breaking robotic arms that could transform your weekly food shop

Partly supported through the EU-funded SOMA project, robotics researchers have developed versatile robotic grippers to pick thousands of supermarket items.

Space Exploration Apr 1, 2013

NASA uses Leap Motion to move ATHLETE rover (w/ video)

( —NASA representatives were at the 2013 Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco to show how the ATHLETE robot, a six-legged robot developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in southern California, can ...

Robotics Feb 7, 2011

Researchers use the common cockroach to fine-tune robots of the future

Ask anyone who has ever tried to squash a skittering cockroach -- they're masters of quick and precise movement. Now Tel Aviv University is using their maddening locomotive skills to improve robotic technology too.

Robotics Jan 30, 2019

A new machine learning based intention detection method using first-person-view camera for Exo Glove Poly II

A Korean research team has proposed a new paradigm for a wearable hand robot that can aid people with lost hand mobility. The hand robot collects user behaviors with a machine learning algorithm to determine the user's intention.

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