Search results for zeolite

Materials Science Nov 26, 2018

Manufacturing open-mesoporous carbon nanofibers for flexible and wearable power sources

With the recently increasing development of lightweight, portable, flexible and wearable electronics for health and biomedical devices, there is an urgent need to explore new power sources with higher flexibility and human/tissue-adaptability. ...

Earth Sciences Nov 13, 2018

System to rid space station of astronaut exhalations inspires Earth-based CO2 removal

When astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) exhale carbon dioxide (CO2), it's removed from the air and pumped into space. Could an Earth-based version help remove greenhouse gas emissions from our atmosphere?

Energy & Green Tech Nov 9, 2018

Addressing climate change at a major source—buildings

Can silica gel desiccant packs, often found in shoe boxes and electronics, be the answer to our energy challenges for buildings? A four-year project proves yes, sort of.

Materials Science Oct 23, 2018

Highly efficient cooling using a new nanoporous solid

Heat recovery (solar energy, heat pump, air conditioning, cooling) is a key research focus toward reducing power consumption and encouraging sustainable development. Even if water recovery and release using nanoporous materials ...

Materials Science Oct 8, 2018

A robust material for the uptake and storage of ammonia at densities that come close to that of the liquefied gas

Handling, storing, and shipping of ammonia requires costly equipment and special precautions because of its inherent corrosiveness and toxicity. Scientists in Manchester, UK, have found that a metal–organic framework, MFM-300(Al), ...

Materials Science Oct 2, 2018

Chemists develop record-breaking porous crystalline material with world's highest surface area

Porosity is the key to high-performance materials for energy storage systems, environmental technologies or catalysts. The more porous a solid state material is, the more liquids and gases it is able to store. However, a ...

Materials Science Sep 11, 2018

Researchers discover how caged molecules 'rattle and sing'

A team of energy researchers from the University of Minnesota and University of Massachusetts Amherst has discovered that molecular motion can be predicted with high accuracy when confining molecules in small nanocages. Their ...

Materials Science Sep 5, 2018

Improvement to the catalyst that converts methane to syngas

Hokkaido University researchers have created an improved catalyst for the conversion of methane gas into syngas, a precursor for liquid fuels and fundamental chemicals.

Nanomaterials Aug 16, 2018

Scientists discover why silver clusters emit light

Clusters of silver atoms captured in zeolites, a porous material with small channels and voids, have remarkable light-emitting properties. They can be used for more efficient lighting applications as a substitute for LED ...

Nanomaterials Aug 13, 2018

Schwarzites: Long-sought carbon structure joins graphene, fullerene family

The discovery of buckyballs surprised and delighted chemists in the 1980s, nanotubes jazzed physicists in the 1990s, and graphene charged up materials scientists in the 2000s, but one nanoscale carbon structure—a negatively ...

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