Search results for zeolite

Materials Science Apr 29, 2019

Highly resorptive metal-organic frameworks

Gases and pollutants can be filtered from air and liquids by means of porous, crystalline materials, such as metal–organic frameworks (MOFs). To further partition these pores and enhance their sorption capacity, a team ...

Environment Apr 10, 2019

Keeping nuclear power safe

Nuclear energy is clean, powerful, affordable, and zero-emission. A new study uses the Canadian Light Source (CLS) at the University of Saskatchewan to help ensure that waste from nuclear power plants remains safe and secure ...

Materials Science Apr 5, 2019

Rocket fuel that's cleaner, safer and still full of energy

Research published this week in Science Advances shows that it may be possible to create rocket fuel that is much cleaner and safer than the hypergolic fuels that are commonly used today. And still just as effective. The ...

Materials Science Apr 4, 2019

Scientists discover hydration is key to improving catalyst performance for industrial use

Scientists have used neutron scattering to identify the secret to a metal-organic framework's (MOF) ability to efficiently convert chemicals, through a process called catalysis, into new substances. By probing a material ...

Materials Science Mar 15, 2019

Improved catalytic processes for the synthesis of phenol

Researchers at the University of Electro-communications, Tokyo report a single-site catalytic platform with high selectivity for the single-step synthesis of phenol in a paper appeared in ACS catalysis.

Materials Science Feb 4, 2019

Crystal clear solvent filtration

Covalent organic materials with well-ordered porous microstructures could provide the membranes needed for technology to meet increasingly stringent environmental controls and be cost effective to produce.

Materials Science Jan 22, 2019

Optimizing electric fields yields better catalysts

Industries rely on catalysts. These materials lessen the energy used in refining oil, manufacturing plastics, and much more. Catalysts can also mean less waste is produced. Better catalysts would benefit industries and the ...

Materials Science Dec 20, 2018

Predicting the properties of a new class of glasses

ZIF glasses, a new family of glass, could combine the transparency of silicate glass with the nonbrittle quality of metallic glass, according to researchers at Penn State and Cambridge University in the U.K.

Materials Science Nov 28, 2018

Scientists produce high-strength plaster entirely from waste

About 5 tons of phosphogypsum is generated per ton of phosphoric acid production, and worldwide, phosphogypsum generation is estimated to be around 100 to 280 MT per year. Globally, 15 percent is recycled as building materials, ...

Materials Science Nov 27, 2018

Extinguisher powder reused in fertilisers and fire retardants

An EU-funded project has recycled phosphate from exhausted extinguishing powder to produce fertilisers for agriculture and flame retardants for the wood sector.

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