See also stories tagged with Osteoarthritis

Search results for osteoarthritis

Plants & Animals Sep 15, 2021

Cartilage resurfacing implant reduces pain, restores hip joint function in dogs

A textile-based implant containing cartilage derived from stem cells reduced pain and restored hip joint function to baseline levels in a study of dogs with symptoms of moderate osteoarthritis. The study, led by researchers ...

Biotechnology Jun 17, 2019

Inducing an osteoarthritic (OA) phenotype in a cartilage-on-a-chip (COC) model

In an aging population, the social impact of osteoarthritis (OA) can dramatically increase to become the most common musculoskeletal disease. However, at present, therapies are limited to palliative treatments or surgical ...

Plants & Animals Oct 30, 2018

New gene-therapy eases chronic pain in dogs—human trials underway

When Shane the therapy dog was hit by a Jeep, life changed for him and his guardian Taryn Sargent.

Biotechnology Jul 26, 2016

Nottingham Dollies prove cloned sheep can live long and healthy lives

Three weeks after the scientific world marked the 20th anniversary of the birth of Dolly the sheep new research, published by The University of Nottingham, in the academic journal Nature Communications has shown that four ...

Veterinary medicine Mar 16, 2022

For dogs with arthritis, daily activities don't have to be painful

Otis was our bighearted bloodhound, whom we loved dearly. He had an active life playing with our three other dogs and going for long walks every morning and evening with us. But when he was eight years old, his lifestyle ...

Cell & Microbiology Aug 29, 2023

Stem cells used to successfully treat arthritis in gorilla at Budapest zoo

Stem cell therapy has been used to treat osteoarthritis in a gorilla for the first time, by scientists at the University of Sheffield.

Biochemistry Sep 1, 2009

Getting better visualization of joint cartilage through cationic CT contrast agents

In its quest to find new strategies to treat osteoarthritis and other diseases, a Boston University-led research team has reported finding a new computer tomography contrast agent for visualizing the special distributions ...

Biotechnology May 31, 2023

The role of global DNA methylation in rat limb bud development in vitro

A team of leading Croatian researchers at the Center of Excellence in Reproductive and Regenerative Medicine, Zagreb School of Medicine, has made a novel discovery in our understanding of limb development and DNA methylation, ...

Cell & Microbiology Dec 9, 2022

Using plant-derived nanothylakoid units to induce anabolism in mammals to reduce disease progression

A team of researchers at Zhejiang University School of Medicine has developed a way to use photosynthetic cells from plants when treating osteoarthritis in mice.

Biochemistry Jul 7, 2020

Researchers develop injectable extracellular-matrix-based biomaterials for meniscus repair

The meniscus is a thin layer of connective tissue in human knees that helps to maintain the stability of joints and conduct mechanical loads. Meniscus injuries, especially those in the avascular inner zone, have poor healing ...

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