See also stories tagged with Osteoarthritis

Search results for osteoarthritis

Biotechnology Jul 27, 2010

Protein identified that can result in fragile bones

Too little of a protein called neogenin results in a smaller skeleton during development and sets the stage for a more fragile bone framework lifelong, Medical College of Georgia researchers report.

Veterinary medicine Jul 26, 2023

Horse health research offers human insights on reining in diabetes and obesity

As a veterinary science researcher, equine surgeon and sports medicine and rehabilitation specialist, I've seen firsthand the similarities between horses and humans.

Biochemistry Jun 16, 2023

Researchers follow AI path to safer senolytic compounds

Researchers from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and the University of Cantabria, Spain, have teamed up to develop an AI trained to discover senolytic medicinal chemistry in familiar compounds.

Evolution Sep 12, 2022

Why do humans walk upright? The secret is in our pelvis

If evolutionary biologist Terence D. Capellini were to rank the body parts that make us quintessentially human, the pelvis would place close to the top.

Veterinary medicine Jan 13, 2022

FDA approves monoclonal antibody to treat arthritis in cats

Arthritis can keep a cat from doing many of the things that kitties love to do. But now there's hope: The first treatment to ease arthritis pain in cats has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Cell & Microbiology Nov 18, 2021

Decades of research show common stem cells could fuel advances in regenerative medicine

Could naturally occurring stem cells throughout the body hold the key to unlocking the next generation of advances in regenerative medicine?

Nanomaterials Sep 6, 2021

Fast nanoparticle diffusion in synovial fluid and hyaluronic acid solutions

Nanoparticles have applications as therapeutic agents for joint diseases such as osteoarthritis. But the role of nanoparticle diffusion in synovial fluid or the fluid inside the joint is incompletely understood. In a new ...

Veterinary medicine Aug 27, 2021

Five ways to help your dog live a longer, healthier life

As anyone who has ever lived with a dog will know, it often feels like we don't get enough time with our furry friends. Most dogs only live around ten to 14 years on average—though some may naturally live longer, while ...

Biotechnology Mar 11, 2021

Researchers probe cell nucleus response with needle-tip technique

Kaitlin McCreery is the coauthor of a new paper published in Small that deals with diagnosing diseases such as osteoarthritis in soft tissue. McCreery is currently a Ph.D. student in the Neu Lab where she studies the biophysical ...

Veterinary medicine Jun 4, 2019

Bad teeth revealed as biggest problem for pet greyhounds

Dental disease is the most common health issue facing pet greyhounds, according to the largest ever study of greyhounds treated in first opinion veterinary clinics. The research, led by the Royal Veterinary College's (RVC) ...

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