Search results for polymer inks

Soft Matter Oct 31, 2023

Reverse-engineering Jackson Pollock with a new 3D-printing technique

Can a machine be trained to paint like Jackson Pollock? More specifically, can 3D printing harness Pollock's distinctive techniques to quickly and accurately print complex shapes?

Nanomaterials Oct 18, 2023

Mechanical engineering professor uses coal to create graphene

Since its initial discovery in 2004 by two professors at the University of Manchester, graphene has made a big splash in the scientific community. Its discoverers won a Nobel Prize in 2010 for developing the idea—then the ...

Analytical Chemistry Sep 29, 2023

Researchers invent a new metallization method of modified tannic acid photoresist patterning

The micro/nano metal pattern formation is a key step in the assembly of various devices. However, ex situ approaches of metal patterning limited their industrial applications due to the poor stability and dispersion of metal ...

Nanomaterials Aug 31, 2023

'Countercation engineering' for thermoresponsive graphene-oxide nanosheets

Graphene-based two-dimensional materials have recently emerged as a focus of scientific exploration due to their exceptional structural, mechanical, electrical, optical, and thermal properties. Among them, nanosheets based ...

Optics & Photonics Aug 10, 2023

Simple ballpoint pen can write custom LEDs

The invention of the printing press revolutionized duplication of the written word, giving the hands of tired scribes a break and making written material more accessible. A similar breakthrough has happened in reverse in ...

Polymers Jun 30, 2023

New ferroelectric material could give robots muscles

A new type of ferroelectric polymer that is exceptionally good at converting electrical energy into mechanical strain holds promise as a high-performance motion controller or "actuator" with great potential for applications ...

Polymers Jun 22, 2023

Adding weaker bonds can enhance polymer's resistance to tearing

A team of chemists from MIT and Duke University has discovered a counterintuitive way to make polymers stronger: introduce a few weaker bonds into the material.

Bio & Medicine Jun 16, 2023

Researchers use ultrasound to control orientation of small particles

Acoustic waves may be able to control how particles sort themselves. While researchers have been able to separate particles based on their shape—for example, bacteria from other cells—for years, the ability to control ...

Polymers Jun 15, 2023

Engineers develop a soft, printable, metal-free electrode

Do an image search for "electronic implants," and you'll draw up a wide assortment of devices, from traditional pacemakers and cochlear implants to more futuristic brain and retinal microchips aimed at augmenting vision, ...

Materials Science Jun 9, 2023

Liquid metal sticks to surfaces without a binding agent

Everyday materials such as paper and plastic could be transformed into electronic "smart devices" by using a simple new method to apply liquid metal to surfaces, according to scientists in Beijing, China. The study, published ...

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