Search results for deep learning

Earth Sciences Apr 18, 2024

Using deep learning to image the Earth's planetary boundary layer

Although the troposphere is often thought of as the closest layer of the atmosphere to the Earth's surface, the planetary boundary layer (PBL)—the lowest layer of the troposphere—is actually the part that most significantly ...

Biochemistry Apr 16, 2024

Researchers create new AI pipeline for identifying molecular interactions

Understanding how proteins interact with each other is crucial for developing new treatments and understanding diseases. Thanks to computational advances, a team of researchers led by Assistant Professor of Chemistry Alberto ...

Ecology Apr 4, 2024

Automated bioacoustics: Researchers are listening in on insects to better gauge environmental health

Recent research led by the University of Massachusetts Amherst evaluates how well machine learning can identify different insect species by their sound, from malaria-carrying mosquitoes and grain-hungry weevils to crop-pollinating ...

Ecology Apr 3, 2024

AI helps to detect invasive Asian hornets

Artificial Intelligence can be used to detect invasive Asian hornets and raise the alarm, new research shows. University of Exeter researchers have developed VespAI, an automated system that attracts hornets to a monitoring ...

Biotechnology Apr 2, 2024

New deep learning model predicts water and energy demands in agriculture with great accuracy

Water scarcity and the high cost of energy represent the main problems for irrigation communities, which manage water for this end, making it available to agriculture.

Social Sciences Apr 1, 2024

Study suggests taking an aggressive stance in crisis communications costs companies money

A new public relations and crisis communications study tracked 10 years of data and used big data analytic tools to capture shifts in how corporate interests and the public discussed a complex legal situation regarding a ...

Archaeology Mar 22, 2024

Researcher uses machine learning to help digitize ancient texts from Indus civilization

The civilization of Indus River Valley is considered one of the three earliest civilizations in world history, along with Mesopotamia and Egypt. Bigger geographically than those two as it unfolded starting in 3300 BCE across ...

Molecular & Computational biology Mar 21, 2024

Improving root senescence recognition with a new semantic segmentation model

Roots play a vital role in plant health, adapting to environmental changes and indicating crop growth. However, studying root senescence is challenging due to difficulties in obtaining clear in situ root images. Traditional ...

Molecular & Computational biology Mar 20, 2024

Biologists use machine learning to classify fossils of extinct pollen

In the quest to decipher the evolutionary relationships of extinct organisms from fossils, researchers often face challenges in discerning key features from weathered fossils, or with prioritizing characteristics of organisms ...

Optics & Photonics Mar 19, 2024

Research team establishes synthetic dimension dynamics to manipulate light

In the realm of physics, synthetic dimensions (SDs) have emerged as one of the frontiers of active research, offering a pathway to explore phenomena in higher-dimensional spaces, beyond our conventional 3D geometrical space. ...

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