Search results for asteroid belt

Astronomy May 6, 2022

Global citizen science project finds more than 1,700 asteroid trails in Hubble images

Combining artificial intelligence with many keen human eyes, astronomers have found 1,701 new asteroid trails in archival data from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, consisting of more than 37,000 images that span two ...

Space Exploration Apr 26, 2022

NASA extends exploration for 8 planetary science missions

Following a thorough evaluation, NASA has extended the planetary science missions of eight of its spacecraft due to their scientific productivity and potential to deepen our knowledge and understanding of the solar system ...

Space Exploration Apr 25, 2022

Planetary Decadal Survey says it's time for a mission to Uranus (and Enceladus too)

Since 2002, the United States National Research Council (NRC) has released a publication that identifies objectives and makes recommendations for science missions for NASA, the National Science Foundation, and other government ...

Planetary Sciences Apr 19, 2022

Space dust, asteroids and comets can account for all water on Mercury

Mercury harbors water ice in the shadows of the steepest craters around its poles. But it is unclear how those water molecules ended up on Mercury. Now a new simulation shows that incoming minor bodies such as asteroids, ...

Space Exploration Apr 4, 2022

Shake and bake: NASA's Psyche is tested in spacelike conditions

To prepare for its launch in August, the Psyche spacecraft has been tested to ensure it can operate in the extreme conditions it will face on its trip to a metal-rich asteroid.

Planetary Sciences Apr 1, 2022

Mapping out meteorites in Antarctica: Uncovering our solar system's deep past

A Belgian-Dutch team of scientists has created the first-ever "treasure map" that shows where in Antarctica meteorites are likely to be found. Meteorites are chunks of stone-like material that can be found on the surface ...

Astronomy Mar 22, 2022

Could the asteroid Ryugu be a remnant of an extinct comet?

Asteroids hold many clues about the formation and evolution of planets and their satellites. Understanding their history can, therefore, reveal much about our solar system. While observations made from a distance using electromagnetic ...

Astronomy Mar 18, 2022

NASA spots giant debris cloud created by clashing celestial bodies

Major smashups between rocky bodies shaped our solar system. Observations of a similar crash give clues about how frequent these events are around other stars.

Astronomy Mar 17, 2022

How NASA's Roman telescope could help find Earth-like planets by surveying space dust

A team of scientists found NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will be able to measure a specific kind of space dust littered throughout dozens of nearby planetary systems' habitable zones, or the regions around stars ...

Planetary Sciences Mar 14, 2022

Meteorites that helped form Earth may have formed in the outer solar system

Our solar system is believed to have formed from a cloud of gas and dust, the so-called solar nebula, which began to condense on itself gravitationally ~ 4.6 billion years ago. As this cloud contracted, it began to spin and ...

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