Search results for asteroid belt

Astronomy Mar 7, 2022

NASA's Psyche gets huge solar arrays for trip to metal-rich asteroid

With its solar arrays installed, the spacecraft is close to its final configuration ahead of a planned August launch.

Astronomy Feb 22, 2022

Dwarf planet Ceres: Organic chemistry and salt deposits in Urvara impact crater

The third-largest crater on the dwarf planet Ceres was geologically active at least once many millions of years after its formation. In a recent study published today in the journal Nature Communications, researchers from ...

Astronomy Feb 18, 2022

First quadruple asteroid system detected

A trio of researchers from the National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand, Université de Lyon and Sorbonne Université, respectively, has made the first sighting of a quadruple asteroid system—an asteroid with ...

Astronomy Feb 15, 2022

Psyche, the iron giant of asteroids, may be less iron than researchers thought

The asteroid 16 Psyche, which NASA intends to visit with a spacecraft in 2026, may be less heavy metal and more hard rock than scientists have surmised, according to a new study by researchers from Brown and Purdue universities.

Astronomy Feb 10, 2022

Asteroids are dangerous, but they might also be the key to life on Earth

Trying to piece together the appearance of life on Earth is a little like looking through a kaleidoscope. There are competing theories for where Earth's water came from, and there's incomplete evidence for how the moon formed ...

Astronomy Jan 19, 2022

Looking up at the asteroids in the neighborhood

Asteroids fly through our solar system all the time, but it's rare for us to take notice of them. But that's changed this week, as an asteroid passes within 1,231,184 miles of Earth on January 18. The asteroid, dubbed 7482 ...

Astronomy Jan 18, 2022

Designing a science program for sky-monitoring telescope based on the moon

The SETI Institute teamed up with Louisiana State University (LSU) and Mississippi State University (MSU) to help students design the science program for AstronetX PBC's first lunar-based camera (L-CAM 1). The scientific ...

Astronomy Jan 18, 2022

Look up and watch asteroid 1994 PC1 fly past Earth this week

In a slow moving universe, asteroids give us a rare chance to see things moving in real time. We have such a chance coming right up on the evening of Tuesday, January 18, when 1.1-kilometer asteroid (7482) 1994 PC1 passes ...

Space Exploration Jan 5, 2022

2029 will be the perfect year to launch a mission to Sedna

Object 90377 Sedna—a distant trans-Neptunian object known best for its highly elliptical, 11,390-year long orbit—is currently on its way toward perihelion (its closest approach to the sun) in 2076. After that, Sedna will ...

Planetary Sciences Dec 30, 2021

Cosmic history can explain the properties of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars

Astronomers have managed to link the properties of the inner planets of our solar system with our cosmic history: with the emergence of ring structures in the swirling disk of gas and dust in which these planets were formed. ...

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