Search results for asteroid belt

Planetary Sciences Jul 7, 2022

Study provides new insights about the surface and structure of asteroid Bennu

When NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft collected samples from asteroid Bennu's surface in 2020, forces measured during the interaction provided scientists with a direct test of the poorly understood near-subsurface physical properties ...

Space Exploration Jun 25, 2022

NASA asteroid mission on hold due to late software delivery

NASA put an asteroid mission on hold Friday, blaming the late delivery of its own navigation software.

Space Exploration Jun 16, 2022

Mars as a base for asteroid exploration and mining

Mining the asteroids for resources like iron, precious metals, water, or other valuable species may someday become profitable. Mining will probably starting with near Earth objects (NEOs), asteroids whose paths cross the ...

Astronomy Jun 16, 2022

Dead star's cannibalism of its planetary system is most far-reaching ever witnessed

The violent death throes of a nearby star so thoroughly disrupted its planetary system that the dead star left behind—known as a white dwarf—is sucking in debris from both the system's inner and outer reaches, UCLA astronomers ...

Space Exploration Jun 15, 2022

New maps of asteroid Psyche reveal an ancient world of metal and rock

Later this year, NASA is set to launch a probe the size of a tennis court to the asteroid belt, a region between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter where remnants of the early solar system circle the sun. Once inside the asteroid ...

Space Exploration May 24, 2022

Forget about Mars, when will humans be flying to Saturn?

It might be hard to fathom now, but the human exploration of the solar system isn't going to stop at the moon and Mars. Eventually, our descendants will spread throughout the solar system—for those interested in space exploration, ...

Astronomy May 24, 2022

The chaotic early phase of the solar system

Before the Earth and other planets formed, the young sun was still surrounded by cosmic gas and dust. Over the millennia, rock fragments of various sizes formed from the dust. Many of these became building blocks for the ...

Space Exploration May 20, 2022

Webb telescope nearly set to explore the solar system

As NASA's James Webb Space Telescope moves through the final phases of commissioning its science instruments, we have also begun working on technical operations of the observatory. While the telescope moves through space, ...

Astronomy May 19, 2022

Ceres probably formed farther out in the solar system and migrated inward

When Sicilian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi spotted Ceres in 1801, he thought it was a planet. Astronomers didn't know about asteroids at that time. Now we know there's an enormous quantity of them, primarily residing in the ...

Astronomy May 16, 2022

Extraterrestrial stone brings first supernova clues to Earth

New chemistry "forensics" indicate that the stone named Hypatia from the Egyptian desert could be the first tangible evidence found on Earth of a supernova type Ia explosion. These rare supernovas are some of the most energetic ...

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