Search results for asteroid belt

Astronomy Aug 31, 2022

Is Pluto a planet? It is no longer considered one, but some believe it should be

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Subject to memorization in school and known as the definitive planetary lineup, Pluto was included in the list until the International Astronomical ...

Planetary Sciences Aug 24, 2022

Scientists have traced Earth's path through the galaxy via tiny crystals found in its crust

"To see a world in a grain of sand," the opening sentence of the poem by William Blake, is an oft-used phrase that also captures some of what geologists do.

Planetary Sciences Aug 22, 2022

Were Phobos and Deimos once a single Martian moon that split up? Not likely, says new study

The origin of Phobos and Deimos, the two Martian moons, has been a mystery to astronomers. These two bodies are a fraction of the size and mass of the Moon, measuring just 22.7 km (14 mi) and 12.6 km (7.83 mi) in diameter. ...

Planetary Sciences Aug 20, 2022

Mystery crater potentially caused by relative of dinosaur-killing asteroid

The ocean floor is famously less explored than the surface of Mars. And when our team of scientists recently mapped the seabed, and ancient sediments beneath, we discovered what looks like an asteroid impact crater.

Space Exploration Aug 17, 2022

NASA's Lucy team discovers moon around asteroid Polymele

Even before its launch, NASA's Lucy mission was already on track to break records by visiting more asteroids than any previous mission. Now, after a surprise result from a long-running observation campaign, the mission can ...

Astronomy Aug 1, 2022

Modeling reveals how dwarf planet Ceres powers unexpected geologic activity

For a long time, our view of Ceres was fuzzy, said Scott King, a geoscientist in the Virginia Tech College of Science. A dwarf planet and the largest body found in the asteroid belt—the region between Jupiter and Mars speckled ...

Astronomy Jul 15, 2022

NASA releases Webb images of Jupiter

On the heels of Tuesday's release of the first images from NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, data from the telescope's commissioning period is now being released on the Space Telescope Science Institute's Mikulski Archive ...

Space Exploration Jul 12, 2022

China is considering a nuclear-powered mission to Neptune

One look at the Planetary Decadal Survey for 2023–2032, and you will see some bold and cutting-edge mission proposals for the coming decade. Examples include a Uranus orbiter and probe (UOP) that would study Uranus' interior, ...

Astronomy Jul 11, 2022

Equivalent to 1,800 metric tons of TNT: What we now know about the meteor that lit up the daytime sky above New Zealand

Meteorites hit New Zealand three or four times a year, but the fireball that shot across the sky above Cook Strait last week was unusual.

Astronomy Jul 11, 2022

When did the sun blow away the solar nebula?

The story of our solar system's origin is pretty well known. It goes like this: the sun began as a protostar in its "solar nebula" over 4.5 billion years ago. Over the course of several million years, the planets emerged ...

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