Search results for histological studies

Cell & Microbiology May 6, 2019

Engineering artificial cell membranes to drive in situ fibrin hydrogel formation

Re-engineering the cell membrane for improved biofunction is an emerging, powerful tool in cell biology to develop next-generation cell therapies. The process can allow users to supplement cells with added therapeutic functionalities. ...

Molecular & Computational biology Mar 14, 2019

Machine learning sheds light on the biology of toxin exposure

Exposure to potentially harmful chemicals is a reality of life. Our ancestors, faced with naturally occurring toxins, evolved mechanisms to detoxify and expel damaging substances. In the modern world, our bodies regularly ...

Materials Science Feb 28, 2019

Biofunctionalized ceramics for cranial bone defect repair – in vivo study

Advances in materials science and production technology have enabled bone tissue engineering (BTE) strategies that generate complex scaffolds with controlled architecture for bone repair. The novel biomaterials can be further ...

Bio & Medicine Feb 14, 2019

Skin wound regeneration with bioactive glass-gold nanoparticles ointment

Healing is a complex process in adult skin impairments, requiring collaborative biochemical processes for onsite repair. Diverse cell types (macrophages, leukocytes, mast cells) contribute to the associated phases of proliferation, ...

Archaeology Feb 6, 2019

New oviraptorosaur species discovered in Mongolia

A new oviraptorosaur species from the Late Cretaceous was discovered in Mongolia, according to a study published in February 6, 2019 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Yuong-Nam Lee from Seoul National University, South ...

Plants & Animals Jan 4, 2019

The Prickle1 gene regulates the differentiation of frontal bone osteoblasts in a new animal model

A mechanically compromised skull can result from enlarged fontanelles and smaller frontal bones due to defective migration and differentiation of osteoblasts in the skull primordia (developing skull). The Wnt/Planar cell ...

General Physics Dec 27, 2018

Nucleus-specific X-ray stain for 3-D virtual histology

Histology is used to identify structural details of tissue at the microscale in the pathology lab, but analyses remain two-dimensional (2D) as they are limited to the same plane. Nondestructive 3D technologies including X-ray ...

Bio & Medicine Nov 12, 2018

Developing a 3-D collagen model to test magnetic-assisted osteogenesis in vitro

The cellular and molecular mechanisms of magnetic stimulation-based bone regeneration require further understanding at present. To evaluate the phenomenon in the lab, a three-dimensional (3-D) native collagen model was recently ...

Archaeology Nov 7, 2018

Chew on this: Two new studies reveal secrets of early dinosaur and mammal tooth evolution

The studies, involving Professor Robert Reisz, a paleontologist at the University of Toronto Mississauga, appear in the latest issues of PLOS ONE and the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Ecology Sep 13, 2018

Mercury pollution threatens to impair the ability of birds to migrate

Migrating birds today must contend with numerous dangers and challenges that never existed before, from twirling wind turbines and shiny glass buildings in the sky to ever-shrinking amounts of stopover habitat and scores ...

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