Search results for fluid mechanics

Soft Matter Aug 7, 2018

Household phenomenon observed by Leonardo da Vinci finally explained

An everyday occurrence spotted when we turn on the tap to brush our teeth has baffled engineers for centuries—why does the water splay when it hits the sink before it heads down the plughole?

Soft Matter Apr 6, 2018

Theorists described an inertial lift of particles in microchannels

A group of scientists from MSU, Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Juelich Research Center have described the mechanism of appearance of an inertial lift force ...

Soft Matter Feb 25, 2016

New prediction tool gives 2-3 minute warning of incoming rogue waves

Sailing history is rife with tales of monster-sized rogue waves—huge, towering walls of water that seemingly rise up from nothing to dwarf, then deluge, vessel and crew. Rogue waves can measure eight times higher than the ...

Soft Matter Oct 7, 2021

Riding the waves keeps ducks in a row

The sight of ducklings paddling in a line behind their mother is a common sight in rivers and ponds across the country.

General Physics Jan 22, 2019

Famous freak wave recreated in laboratory mirrors Hokusai's 'Great Wave'

A team of researchers based at the Universities of Oxford and Edinburgh have recreated for the first time the famous Draupner freak wave measured in the North Sea in 1995.

General Physics Feb 29, 2016

New theory of deep-ocean sound waves may aid tsunami detection

Acoustic-gravity waves are very long sound waves that cut through the deep ocean at the speed of sound. These lightning-quick currents can sweep up water, nutrients, salts, and any other particles in their wake, at any water ...

Plants & Animals May 2, 2012

Escape response of small fish tested using a supercomputer

( -- Small fish bend themselves into a 'C' shape before they flee from predators. Observations have suggested that this shape helps them to abruptly put the greatest distance possible between themselves and their ...

Nanophysics Feb 12, 2019

Nano drops explode 19th century theory

Droplets emanating from a molecular "nano-tap" would behave very differently from those from a household tap 1 million times larger—researchers at the University of Warwick have found. This is potentially crucial step for ...

Mathematics Jan 24, 2018

Calculating tsunami's size and destructive force by exploiting high-speed acoustic gravity waves

Mathematicians have devised a way of calculating the size of a tsunami and its destructive force well in advance of it making landfall by measuring fast-moving underwater sound waves, opening up the possibility of a real-time ...

Condensed Matter Aug 11, 2017

A smoother ride over troubled waters

Boating through choppy waters can be an exciting but physically exhausting experience. Now researchers at Utah State University's Splash Lab are taking steps toward the design of an inflatable speedboat that absorbs wave ...

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