Search results for qubits

Quantum Physics Feb 8, 2021

Implementing a quantum approximate optimization algorithm on a 53-qubit NISQ device

A large team of researchers working with Google Inc. and affiliated with a host of institutions in the U.S., one in Germany and one in the Netherlands has implemented a quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) on ...

Quantum Physics Feb 2, 2021

Beyond qubits: Team takes next big step to scale up quantum computing

Scientists and engineers at the University of Sydney and Microsoft Corporation have opened the next chapter in quantum technology with the invention of a single chip that can generate control signals for thousands of qubits, ...

Quantum Physics Oct 7, 2020

Quantum heat engine behaviour observed in a qubit

Although many of today's accepted theories of classical thermodynamics predate even the industrial revolution they helped to propel, many open questions remain around how these ideas translate to the level of single quantum ...

Quantum Physics Mar 2, 2020

Scientists measure electron spin qubit without demolishing it

A group of scientists from the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science in Japan has succeeded in taking repeated measurements of the spin of an electron in a silicon quantum dot (QD) without changing its spin in the process. ...

Quantum Physics Jan 29, 2020

Qubits made from strontium and calcium ions can be precisely controlled by technology that already exists

Of the many divergent approaches to building a practical quantum computer, one of the most promising paths leads toward ion traps. In these traps, single ions are held still and serve as the basic units of data, or qubits, ...

Quantum Physics Jan 10, 2020

New approach for controlling qubits via microwave pulses reduces error rates and increases efficiency

A functional quantum computer is one of the most intriguing promises of quantum technology. With significantly increased computing power, quantum computers will be able to solve tasks that conventional computers cannot handle, ...

Quantum Physics Sep 25, 2019

Physicists take new step towards realization of qubits for quantum computers

A group of physicists in Utrecht, San Sebastián and Pennsylvania have created a new artificial molecule that is insulating inside but has electronic states localized in its corners. These states have zero energy, and for ...

Quantum Physics Sep 18, 2019

'Poor man's qubit' can solve quantum problems without going quantum

It may still be decades before quantum computers are ready to solve problems that today's classical computers aren't fast or efficient enough to solve, but the emerging "probabilistic computer" could bridge the gap between ...

Quantum Physics Aug 26, 2019

Quantum criticality could be a boon for qubit designers

Physicists studying the strange behavior of metal alloys called heavy fermions have made a surprising discovery that could be useful in safeguarding the information stored in quantum bits, or qubits, the basic units of encoded ...

Quantum Physics Mar 6, 2019

Can entangled qubits be used to probe black holes? (Update)

Physicists have used a seven-qubit quantum computer to simulate the scrambling of information inside a black hole, heralding a future in which entangled quantum bits might be used to probe the mysterious interiors of these ...

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