Search results for continuous variable quantum

Quantum Physics Jun 26, 2014

Toward quantum technologies

Quantum mechanics is about to fundamentally change the way we can transmit and sense information. The idea is that information—represented by physical quantities such as the spin or the polarisation of an individual photon—can ...

General Physics Aug 7, 2012

Sets & the city: World Science Festival 2012, New York-style (Part 1 of 2)

( -- New York City is the nexus of all things intellectual, cultural and academic. (Being a native New Yorker, I admit being somewhat biased.) Either way, one highlight in this complex and vibrant metropolis is the ...

Quantum Physics Aug 20, 2018

Light from ancient quasars helps confirm quantum entanglement

Last year, physicists at MIT, the University of Vienna, and elsewhere provided strong support for quantum entanglement, the seemingly far-out idea that two particles, no matter how distant from each other in space and time, ...

Materials Science Nov 7, 2017

Technology increases microfluidic research data output 100-fold

Researchers have developed a technique that allows users to collect 100 times more spectrographic information per day from microfluidic devices, as compared to the previous industry standard. The novel technology has already ...

Quantum Physics Jan 20, 2014

Peeking into Schrodinger's box: Direct measurement shows potential for quantum information

Until recently measuring a 27-dimensional quantum state would have been a time-consuming, multistage process using a technique called quantum tomography, which is similar to creating a 3D image from many 2D ones. Researchers ...

Nanophysics Dec 16, 2011

Researchers prepare cheap quantum dot solar paint

( -- It typically takes a day or two to prepare quantum dot solar cells in the conventional multifilm architecture. Now a team of researchers is reducing the preparation time of quantum dot solar cells to less ...

Quantum Physics Jun 21, 2011

Acrobatics for anyons: New test for elusive fundamental particle proposed

Anyons are hypothetical particles that have been postulated to represent a third class of fundamental particles alongside the known bosons and fermions. Physicists from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet in Munich, Germany, ...

General Physics Feb 14, 2007

D-Wave Demonstrated World's First Commercial Quantum Computer

The world's first commercially viable quantum computer was demonstrated yesterday in Silicon Valley by D-Wave Systems, Inc., a privately-held Canadian firm.

General Physics Dec 20, 2006

Can Neutrons be Used in Quantum Computers?

“In quantum mechanics, you typically have arguments about locality and non-locality,” Yuji Hasegawa tells “But in our experiment we are testing correlation between degrees of freedom.”

Condensed Matter Oct 23, 2017

Wriggling microtubules help understand coupling of 'active' defects and curvature

Imagine a tiny donut-shaped droplet, covered with wriggling worms. The worms are packed so tightly together that they must locally line up with respect to each other. In this situation, we would say the worms form a nematic ...

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