Search results for molecular

Cell & Microbiology 10 hours ago

Chasing down a cellular 'short circuit' sheds light on how certain diseases begin

A group of researchers at University of California San Diego has identified the cause of a "short-circuit" in cellular pathways, a discovery that sheds new light on the genesis of a number of human diseases.

Analytical Chemistry 11 hours ago

Researchers develop rechargeable carbonaceous geosupercapacitor for sustainable pollutant abatement

A research team recently developed a sustainable and chemical-free superoxide (O2•−) generation strategy by integrating rechargeable carbonaceous supercapacitors with redox-moiety based O2 activation. These findings have ...

Astrobiology 13 hours ago

What impact does ozone have on an exoplanet?

As we discover more and more exoplanets—and the current total is in excess of 5,200—we continue to try to learn more about them. Astrobiologists busy themselves analyzing their atmospheres searching for anything that ...

Molecular & Computational biology 15 hours ago

Researchers discover disordered clock protein that sheds new light on circadian rhythms

Circadian clocks, which drive circadian rhythms, are entwined with many essential systems in living things including plants, fungi, insects, and even humans. Because of this, disruptions to our circadian clocks are linked ...

Analytical Chemistry 15 hours ago

Observing ultrafast photoinduced dynamics in a halogen-bonded supramolecular system

Researchers have uncovered how the halogen bond can be exploited to direct sequential dynamics in multi-functional crystals, offering crucial insights for developing ultrafast-response times for multilevel optical storage.

Cell & Microbiology 16 hours ago

Molecular stop signal identified: The surveillance system of cell division

Several million cells divide every second in our bodies. During nuclear division (mitosis), the genetic material must be distributed correctly and completely between the daughter cells—errors in this process can lead to ...

Plants & Animals 17 hours ago

Scientists discover key nutrients that help plants beat the heat

Global temperatures are on the rise, with experts projecting an increase of 2.7°F by 2050. Because plants cannot regulate their own temperatures, they are especially sensitive to these temperature changes.

Biotechnology Jun 3, 2024

Scientists develop new method to match genes to their molecular 'switches'

Scientists at La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI) have developed a new computational method for linking molecular marks on our DNA to gene activity. Their work may help researchers connect genes to the molecular "switches" ...

Polymers Jun 3, 2024

Using pyrolysis for high-quality recycled plastics

Plastics made of polycarbonate are sought-after materials in industrial applications thanks to their versatility and high quality. However, recycling of plastic waste is still running up against limits these days, as mechanical ...

Biotechnology Jun 3, 2024

AI tool for predicting protein shapes could be transformative for medicine, but science needs proof

An advanced algorithm that has been developed by Google DeepMind has gone some way to cracking one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in biology. AlphaFold aims to predict the 3D structures of proteins from the "instruction ...

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