Search results for climbing plants

Plants & Animals 16 hours ago

Idiotfruit and tree kangaroos: Why the ancient rainforests of Queensland's Wet Tropics are so distinctive

In Queensland's northern reaches lie the Wet Tropics, spanning about 450 kilometers between Townsville and Cooktown. These mountainous rainforests are a relic of the ancient continent of Gondwana, dating back million of years ...

Space Exploration Jul 4, 2024

A new set of studies offers the most comprehensive look at spaceflight health since NASA's Twins Study

Only about 600 people have ever traveled to space. The vast majority of astronauts over the past six decades have been middle-aged men on short-duration missions of fewer than 20 days.

Ecology Jul 1, 2024

A new trajectory: Climate change rapidly impacting Canadian agriculture

The planet is getting warmer and climate change—not surprisingly—impacts the way we feed the world. In Canada, especially, our warming planet alters growing conditions, affects crop yields and shifts the types of crops ...

Plants & Animals Jul 1, 2024

Sixty-million-year-old grape seeds reveal how the death of the dinosaurs may have paved the way for grapes to spread

If you've ever snacked on raisins or enjoyed a glass of wine, you may, in part, have the extinction of the dinosaurs to thank for it. In a discovery described in the journal Nature Plants, researchers found fossil grape seeds ...

Plants & Animals Jun 27, 2024

Researchers complete genus overview for 55 species of silk plants

Flowers of the genus Orthosia are small but rich in detail. After decades of research, plant systematics researchers at the University of Bayreuth have now presented a complete overview of the genus for the first time. A ...

Plants & Animals Jun 27, 2024

Invasive ants spread by hitchhiking on everyday vehicles

Insects are masters of transportation and get around by flying, crawling, swimming, burrowing, and even gliding. Now, ants have been observed using a new method of getting around: hitchhiking. These social insects pack up ...

Earth Sciences Jun 11, 2024

Climate concerns: Trends in Australian snow

As the 2024 snow season approaches, many people are wondering whether it will be a good year for skiing. In 2023, we had a poor snow season due to unusually warm and dry weather from June to September.

Ecology May 19, 2024

Threatened species have declined 2% a year since 2000: Nature positive? Far from it.

The government has great aspirations. It has committed to end extinctions and expand our protected areas to cover 30% of every Australian ecosystem by 2030. This is part of its Nature Positive Plan, aligned with the 2022 ...

Plants & Animals May 14, 2024

Bears in the Washington's North Cascades: What you should know if you spot one

Meandering through the evergreens, spring's arrival was marked by unfurling fern and flowering berry plants.

Environment May 13, 2024

Tiny pieces of plastic pose one of the biggest threats to Chicago River wildlife and water quality

Wendella engineer Miguel Chavez climbed down a ladder and over a small dock to pull up a trap floating in the Chicago River near the Michigan Avenue Bridge. The size of a standard garbage can, the trap is designed to collect ...

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