Search results for climbing plants

Plants & Animals May 7, 2024

New Vincetoxicum species found in Yunnan

Vincetoxicum is a genus of plants in the Apocynaceae family. It is distributed in Asia, especially in mountainous areas, and most of the known species occur in China and Japan. The extended Vincetoxicum includes about 150 ...

Plants & Animals May 2, 2024

First report of wound treatment by a wild animal using a pain-relieving plant

Even though there is evidence of certain self-medication behaviors in animals, so far it has never been known that animals treat their wounds with healing plants.

Economics & Business May 1, 2024

Study: World War II plant construction expanded high-wage manufacturing jobs, benefiting residents and their children

In a new study, researchers have examined the long-term effects of government-led construction of manufacturing plants during World War II on the regions where they were built and on residents. The study found that wartime ...

Plasma Physics Apr 23, 2024

Record electron temperatures for a small-scale, sheared-flow-stabilized Z-pinch fusion device achieved

In the nine decades since humans first produced fusion reactions, only a few fusion technologies have demonstrated the ability to make a thermal fusion plasma with electron temperatures hotter than 10 million degrees Celsius, ...

Social Sciences Apr 22, 2024

Plastic fantastic or nature-based playgrounds: Which is best for children's development?

Colorful slides and metal monkey bars are the mainstay of local playgrounds. But look around and you'll notice a growing trend for natural elements in children's play spaces, So, which is better for children's development?

Environment Apr 21, 2024

Planet sees 10 straight months of record-breaking heat

Californians have had weekend after weekend of cool, stormy weather and the Sierra Nevada has been blessed with a healthy snowpack. But the reality is that even the last few months have been more than 2 degrees hotter than ...

Environment Apr 15, 2024

Record heat rots cocoa beans threatening Ivory Coast agriculture

Surrounded by cocoa trees and intense heat, Christian Andre Yapi is forced to admit that the precious beans are no longer growing as they should, a major problem for the world's leading producer.

Plants & Animals Apr 4, 2024

Hummingbirds are 'on the go' in California: What you'll see and how to attract them

Whether sipping nectar from flowers and zipping through the air, hummingbirds are a sure sign of spring in California.

Plants & Animals Apr 1, 2024

Invaders from underground are coming in cicada-geddon. It's the biggest bug emergence in centuries

Trillions of evolution's bizarro wonders, red-eyed periodical cicadas that have pumps in their heads and jet-like muscles in their rears, are about to emerge in numbers not seen in decades and possibly centuries.

Plants & Animals Mar 27, 2024

Hate mosquitoes? Who doesn't? But maybe we shouldn't

A blood-sucking nuisance, mosquitoes are responsible for spreading diseases to hundreds of millions of people every year. True?

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