Search results for Electron tattoos

Nanomaterials Aug 7, 2017

Graphene electronic tattoos can be applied to the skin with water

Researchers have designed a graphene-based tattoo that can be directly laminated onto the skin with water, similar to a temporary tattoo. But instead of featuring artistic or colorful designs, the new tattoo is nearly transparent. ...

Nanomaterials Feb 22, 2017

Improved polymer and new assembly method for ultra-conformable 'electronic tattoo' devices

A group of researchers at Waseda University has developed processes and materials for ultrathin stick-on electronic devices using elastomeric "nanosheet" film, achieving ease of production while also preserving high elasticity ...

Engineering Jan 30, 2012

Electronic tattoo monitors brain, heart and muscles (w/ video)

Imagine if there were electronics able to prevent epileptic seizures before they happen. Or electronics that could be placed on the surface of a beating heart to monitor its functions. The problem is that such devices are ...

Consumer & Gadgets Feb 21, 2008

Electronic tattoo display runs on blood

Jim Mielke's wireless blood-fueled display is a true merging of technology and body art. At the recent Greener Gadgets Design Competition, the engineer demonstrated a subcutaneously implanted touch-screen that operates as ...

Engineering Oct 24, 2016

Breakthrough soft electronics fabrication method is a first step to DIY smart tattoos

Imagine if your electronic wearable device, like your Fitbit, adhered to you like a sticker or temporary tattoo and could read your pulse or measure hand gestures. As electronics are becoming thinner, lighter, and more power ...

Hi Tech & Innovation Mar 17, 2014

The next generation of electronics is a press-on tattoo

For John Rogers, the inspiration to develop ground-breaking stretchable circuits that are compatible with human tissue came from an unlikely source.

Engineering Aug 11, 2011

Smart skin: Electronics that stick and stretch like a temporary tattoo (w/ video)

Engineers have developed a device platform that combines electronic components for sensing, medical diagnostics, communications and human-machine interfaces, all on an ultrathin skin-like patch that mounts directly onto the ...

Bio & Medicine Aug 7, 2023

Nanoscale 'tattoos' for individual cells could provide early warnings for health problems

Engineers have developed nanoscale tattoos—dots and wires that adhere to live cells—in a breakthrough that puts researchers one step closer to tracking the health of individual cells.

Bio & Medicine Jun 20, 2022

Blood pressure e-tattoo promises continuous, mobile monitoring

Blood pressure is one of the most important indicators of heart health, but it's tough to frequently and reliably measure outside of a clinical setting. For decades, cuff-based devices that constrict around the arm to give ...

Materials Science Nov 28, 2018

Flexible electronic skin aids human-machine interactions

Human skin contains sensitive nerve cells that detect pressure, temperature and other sensations that allow tactile interactions with the environment. To help robots and prosthetic devices attain these abilities, scientists ...

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