Search results for historical linguistics

Education Jun 11, 2024

How DEI rollbacks at colleges and universities set back learning

Just four years ago, following the murder of George Floyd, almost every college and university in the U.S. had at least one diversity, equity and inclusion—or DEI—program. Many had existed long before. These programs ...

Archaeology Jun 11, 2024

The Singapore Stone's carvings have been undeciphered for centuries—now, researchers are trying to crack the puzzle

If you pay a visit to the Singapore Stone, displayed at the National Museum of Singapore, you might be disappointed. That's because the inscription—carrying an unknown writing system transcribing an unknown language—is ...

Archaeology May 27, 2024

Cultural and linguistic networks of central African hunter–gatherers have ancient origin, study finds

Extensive social networks between different hunter–gatherer groups in the Congo Basin existed long before agriculture arrived in the region. This continent-wide exchange preserved a cultural diversity that evolved thousands ...

Social Sciences May 16, 2024

To sound like a hockey player, speak like a Canadian

As a hockey player, Andrew Bray was familiar with the slang thrown around the "barn" (hockey arena). As a linguist, he wanted to understand how sport-specific jargon evolved and permeated across teams, regions, and countries. ...

Environment May 13, 2024

A new campaign wants to redefine the word 'nature' to include humans—here's why this linguistic argument matters

What does the word nature mean to you? Does it conjure visions of wild places away from the hustle and bustle of people, or does it include humans too? The meaning of nature has changed since the word was first used back ...

Social Sciences May 7, 2024

Why do metaphors of space help us understand time?

Expressions linking space to time are a common part of our day to day lives. You might say the morning "flew by," or that school exams are "fast approaching." Right now, you might say summer is "just around the corner," while ...

Archaeology Apr 15, 2024

Tracing the lineage of North America's native Blackfoot Confederacy

A team of researchers with varied backgrounds and affiliated with multiple organizations (including the Blackfoot Confederacy) in the U.S. and Canada has conducted a genetic study focused on tracing the lineage of North America's ...

Social Sciences Apr 2, 2024

Last chance to record archaic Greek language 'heading for extinction'

A new data crowd-sourcing platform aims to preserve the sound of Romeyka, an endangered millennia-old variety of Greek. Experts consider the language to be a linguistic goldmine and a living bridge to the ancient world.

Social Sciences Mar 1, 2024

The role of history in how efficient color names evolve

Suppose two speakers of the same language are playing a guessing game where each has the same color swatches, and Player 1 tries to get Player 2 to guess a hue by naming the color. If the second player consistently guesses ...

Archaeology Feb 14, 2024

Written accounts reveal how sexual assault claims were dealt with in the Middle Ages

Written testimonies from the medieval period show sexual assault being successfully reported to the authorities, despite legal, social and even family obstacles. This took place, we must remember, in a society which had next ...

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