Search results for frugal science

Economics & Business Jun 6, 2024

The Protestant Work Ethic could explain a liking for 'natural' health care, research suggests

A strong belief in the Protestant Work Ethic might underpin the decision-making of many people choosing "natural" approaches to health care, new research suggests.

Economics & Business Mar 12, 2024

Difficulties in exploiting the economic opportunities in the ocean

The green shift has created a strong interest in exploiting the economic opportunities in the ocean, but the ocean is not so easily economized. This is revealed in a comprehensive study, which, among other things, shows how ...

Environment Oct 19, 2023

Opinion: Climate change isn't just about emissions. We're ignoring a huge part of the fight

Last month, we heard yet again about the need to stop global warming at about 1.5 degrees centigrade above pre-industrial levels. The International Energy Agency outlined a plan to meet that goal, and the United Nations secretary-general ...

Space Exploration Jul 14, 2023

India launches cut-price mission to land on Moon

India launched a rocket on Friday carrying an unmanned spacecraft to land on the Moon, its second attempt to do so as its cut-price space program seeks to reach new heights.

Analytical Chemistry Mar 14, 2023

Quantum chemistry simulations on a quantum computer

In a new report now featured on the cover page of and published in Science Advances, Hans Hon Sang Chan and a research team in materials, chemistry and quantum photonics at the University of Oxford generated exactly emulated ...

Social Sciences Mar 9, 2023

Americans planning frugal uses for their 2023 tax refunds: Report

Americans likely are receiving smaller tax refunds than they have in recent years, and most people will not be going out to spend this money, according to the February 2023 Consumer Food Insights Report. This month's report ...

Plants & Animals Dec 8, 2022

Study shows 'steep, cheap and deep' roots help corn plants deal with drought

Rarely in nature does less turn out to be more. But that's the case when it comes to the roots of corn dealing with drought conditions, according to a Penn State-led international team of researchers who discovered evidence ...

Space Exploration Dec 7, 2022

Will we ever go back to explore the ice giants? Yes, if we keep the missions simple and affordable

It's been over 35 years since a spacecraft visited Uranus and Neptune. That was Voyager 2, and it only did flybys. Will we ever go back? There are discoveries waiting to be made on these fascinating ice giants and their moons.

Social Sciences Oct 4, 2022

Why mending it, not ending it, should become latest fashion trend for consumers

Want to save the world? Start with your clothing.

Environment May 3, 2022

Thirty years of climate research funding has overlooked the potential of experimental transformative technologies

A new study from the University of Sussex Business School reveals the technologies and academic disciplines that are being overlooked by research funders in the global fight against climate change.

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