Search results for network

Polymers 9 hours ago

Researchers develop high-performance anion exchange membranes for sustainability applications

A team of researchers has achieved a breakthrough in the development of anion exchange membranes (AEMs). They designed a novel spiro-branched polymeric membrane that incorporates highly connected sub-nanometer microporous ...

Economics & Business 13 hours ago

The dark side of loan guarantee programs for SMEs

There is always a downside. Even for loan guarantee programs for small businesses, launched during financial crises to stave off the drying up of credit, particularly likely in periods of recession. It turns out these programs ...

Social Sciences 13 hours ago

How can we get dads to work less and do more around the house?

Would more dads work fewer hours if other dads decided to do the same? Would paid parental leave prompt them to do more around the house? How do social norms affect inequalities within the labor market? Researcher Dr. Max ...

Earth Sciences 13 hours ago

How quickly does groundwater recharge? The answer is found deep underground

You would have learned about the "water cycle" in primary school—water's journey, from evaporation to rainfall to flowing in a stream or sinking into the ground to become groundwater.

Political science 13 hours ago

Some people never listen to politicians, no matter what they say—we wanted to find out why

As politicians on all sides jostle for votes on July 4, the British electorate is faced with an avalanche of politically related materials and debate through all forms of media outlets.

Molecular & Computational biology 14 hours ago

Decoding apples: Nitrogen's role in shaping fruit sugar content

Apple quality and yield are significantly affected by nitrogen levels in the soil, which influence various biochemical processes. Insufficient nitrogen can result in poor fruit quality, while excessive nitrogen leads to environmental ...

Plants & Animals 15 hours ago

Orchid awakening: Unveiling the hormonal choreography behind flower development

Flower development in plants is a complex process influenced by various intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Hormones like gibberellin (GA) and abscisic acid (ABA) play pivotal roles in regulating this process. In many orchids, ...

Ecology 16 hours ago

Bacteria found to produce proteins that act like antifreeze, helping marine worms survive in polar waters

A team of marine biologists affiliated with multiple institutions in Italy has found that some marine worms are able to survive in cold polar waters thanks to symbiotic bacteria that produce antifreeze-like proteins.

Quantum Physics 17 hours ago

Foregoing quantum chaos to achieve high-fidelity quantum state transfer

An international team of scientists from China and the U.S. has developed a scalable protocol for high-fidelity quantum state transfer (QST) in a 36-qubit superconducting quantum circuit.

Molecular & Computational biology 18 hours ago

Heat and disease: The genetic tug-of-war in pepper immunity

Plants face simultaneous challenges from pathogens and environmental stresses, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. Pathogens trigger immune responses through specific receptors, while high temperatures activate ...

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