Search results for Olympic

Social Sciences 19 hours ago

Watching sports can be good for you—thanks to its social bonding effects

Being a sports fan, whether you're watching top flight football, the Olympic games or your favorite local team, can be a rollercoaster ride. Incredible highs if you win, depressing lows if you don't, and lots of stressful ...

Environment Jul 11, 2024

Paris dream of swimming in the Seine part of its Olympics vision

Going for a dip in the Seine on a hot summer's day has been the pipedream of many a Parisian since swimming in the river was formally banned a century ago.

Social Sciences Jul 9, 2024

Viewpoint: Treatment of activists at Olympics contradicts sustainability

With the Paris Olympics fast approaching under the shadow of the climate crisis, activists and advocates continue to raise questions about the International Olympic Committee's (IOC) commitment to one of three pillars of ...

Analytical Chemistry Jul 3, 2024

3D covalent organic frameworks with zyg topology for photocatalytic synthesis of hydrogen peroxide

A research team proposed a new synthetic strategy of COFs based on a new topology that remotely separates donor (D) and acceptor (A) units in 3D lattice to produce the expected metastable photo-induced charge-separated states.

Ecology Jul 3, 2024

It's a challenging drive to Washington's ocean beaches as state spends billions to help fish

It took 50 million years for salmon to evolve and only about 50 years to nearly wipe them out. Now, Washington's native salmon and steelhead populations are getting a reprieve—one stream at a time.

Social Sciences Jul 2, 2024

Will the Paris 2024 Olympics be a platform for activist protests amid global tensions?

Athletes and sporting teams have frequently used the Olympics and other sporting events to make political statements through boycotts and protests. Ahead of the Paris Olympics kicking off this month and amidst the current ...

Social Sciences Jul 1, 2024

Does sports participation boom during (or before, or after) the Olympics?

Hosting a major sporting event like the Olympic and Paralympic Games can deliver benefits to the host country, such as improved infrastructure (new sport facilities, better public transport, greater accessibility for people ...

Environment Jun 29, 2024

Fast fashion is harming our planet—these four tips can help you build a more sustainable wardrobe

As sunny summer days return in the northern hemisphere, you may be looking to refresh your wardrobe. The allure of a whole "new you" is pervasive, and the foundation of many a successful marketing campaign.

Social Sciences Jun 26, 2024

The horrifying human cost of big sporting events

With the Copa América, the UEFA European Championship and the Olympic Games all taking place over a few months, summer 2024 is shaping up to be a celebration of sport.

Social Sciences Jun 26, 2024

Sportswashing is still highly effective despite more awareness among fans

As the European football championships continue in Germany, new research has revealed that "sportswashing"—the practice of using sporting events or teams to improve a country's reputation—is still highly effective, despite ...

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